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Hi Betsyben and welcome to the forum.

Honey is not the best thing to take when you're diabetic as it has a high amount of carbohydrate in it 17.3g per tablespoon, which will push your BG's up. So best to avoid if possible. I think that cinnamon is ok though.
cinamon is fine, but as we are all different the honey affects us in different ways.

My suggestion would be to try a small ammount and test as honey is still a form of simple carbohydrate. It is supposed to be better than refined sugar, although I'm sure someone else will be along soon with more advice!
Honey wont lower your sugar levels, but it is a natural sedative, anisceptic and is brilliant for sore throats if you don't want loads of chemicals!
A sedative? I've never heard that one! Wow, you learn something new every day :D

It is a very mild sedative. In winter when the kids were over excited (especially in the run up to Christmas) we were always given warm milk with a couple of teaspoons of honey in it. Because I liked it, it was worth getting exctied for and it took my mum ages to work out what I was doing, and by then I was big enough to do it for myself. In the summer we were given cammomile tea with honey in it.
In the dpeths of winter when the bedroom is cold going to bed with something warm inside helps you to sleep better and it is very yummy indeed. For a real treat we sometimes got a digestive biscuit, but can you imagine wht that would to to the sugar levels now unless you were close to a hypo?!
I class anything under 4 as a hypo. I was taught to follow 'Four is the floor' 🙂

I'm type 2 so less likely to hypo, which is why no one has ever mentioned them to me medically. Infact, if it were not for this forum I wouldn't even know people had hypos or what to do with one should it happen in front of me...
Not sure if my doctor is a muppett or a sesame street charecter, he seems to think his word is good enough and his word is that I don't need to know. My come back is always if I don't know how, then how am I expected to care for myself. If I am ill and need help, I have to be persistent or go to the hospital if I am too poorly to wait a few days!
It's just good that you're pro-active enough to research your own condition. I worry for people who aren't tech savvy. I was shocked at some of the people's attitudes and beliefs when I went on a morning's carb-counting workshop last year! :(
I work in a library, our motto is knowledge is power. It is nice when I can produce stuff for the doctor from reputable publications!
Gives me great pleasur to watch the doctor squirm, and he still hasn't worked out where I get my hands on things like The Lancet and other medical journals!
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