Honey & Diabetes

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi forgive me if this is a topic discussed elsewhere in the forum , but I was wondering what people's views are around Honey for diabetics ?
It’s the same as eating sugar! No magical health properties I’m afraid
As a beekeeper who was diagnosed 2 years ago it was a bit of an extra blow for me but honey is sugar just the same as maple syrup and golden syrup and sugar cane or sugar beet or indeed the sugar in fruit. It all spikes our Blood Glucose levels and needs to be restricted or avoided.
what people's views are around Honey for diabetics ?
I can’t speak for all diabetics as we are all different with different lifestyles, different medical conditions and different types of diabetes.
For me, with Type 1 diabetes, I treat it the same as sugar. It is definitely not to be avoided. It is to be enjoyed in moderation with the correct dose of insulin.
I use honey as a hypo treatment quite often. A teaspoon of is approx 5gand raises me by 1 unit or so. Much nicer than jelly babies if not quite so mobile. Also not as filling.
We are all different in how we react. I find a couple if teaspoons of honey in full fat Greek yoghurt, appropriately dosed for doesn’t spike me half as much as the same grams of carb eaten as bread.
I’m Type 1 and I eat honey in moderation and it’s fine. I put it in my Greek yoghurt like @Pattidevans and I spread it on bread or toast. I also like maple syrup - on ice cream and in savoury foods. I have golden syrup on my pancakes too. Moderation is key and so is appropriate insulin.
I have it occasionally. Mostly used in cooking. If there’s a teaspoonful in a recipe that is serving 4 people it‘s only really adding 1-2g of carbs to my portion, and my carb estimation / sensitivity isn’t really accurate enough to notice!

Another favourite use is in a hot toddy when I have a nasty cold/sore throat, squeezed juice of an orange, and a lemon into a mug. Teaspoon of honey. Glug of scotch. Top up with boiling water. Bliss! And my BGs are generally chaotic enough when I’m ill for it not really to notice. I just add the extra insulin which the fruit juice would need anyway.

Was a bit of a drawback with the whole social distancing / mask wearing thing meaning nobody had any colds last winter really - because I didn’t have an excuse to have one! 😛:D
I looked after a diabetic dog for two weeks and honey was the hypo treatment, It was incredibly stressful as they couldn't tell me they were hypo, it was only her behaviour which was the give away, staggering and confusion. I needed to stuff a teaspoon of honey down her throat. Collecting a urine sample was a tricky procedure.
I never eat it.
Non diabetic first and second husbands have both had phases of liking it in tea. Second in truth prefers whisky in his tea! I don't like whisky full stop. But I do love it drizzled in Greek yog ..... but much more when also eating brekkie under Greek sun .......
Honey,ideal for treating hypo's when spread on top of peanut butter in a whole wheat bread and butter sandwich with a glass of milk...........otherwise avoid if T1,also quite difficult to arrange ingredients in correct order when hypoo'ing face off,plus don't put honey or butter in fridge as this adds an extra level of complexity to sandwich assembly when hypo strikes.....
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