Home Office looks at allowing cannabis oil prescription for epileptic boy

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The Home Office has said it will “carefully consider” allowing a 12-year-old boy to be prescribed cannabis oil after he was admitted to hospital with “life-threatening” seizures following the confiscation of his supply.

Billy Caldwell had his anti-epileptic medicine confiscated at Heathrow airport on Monday. If the decision is made to permit him to have the treatment, it would be the first time that cannabis oil containing THC was legally prescribed in the UK since it was made illegal in 1971.

Late on Friday night, Billy’s family were trying to find a clinician with knowledge of his condition to recommend the prescription of cannabis medicine.

His mother, Charlotte Caldwell, said: “Finally I’m hearing signs that the Home Office appreciate the severity of Billy’s condition, and are showing a willingness to act humanely.”


Never mind 'looking at it', restore the boy's medication at least whilst you deliberate, he is suffering now :(
If this lad dies, I trust the Home Secretary will be charged with manslaughter.

And will somebody please tell the Home Office that I’ve just used three drops of the medication in question, first dose of the day, and I’ve stopped my tremor.

It’s medicine, you heartless b******s.😡
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Never mind 'looking at it', restore the boy's medication at least whilst you deliberate, he is suffering now :(
I agree wholeheartedly .
Common sense prevails. I’ve just heard on the radio that the the lads confiscated medication is being returned to him.
It’s nothing to do with common sense, it’s public opprobrium that’s done this, and the shaming by the press.

And I suspect it won’t set a precedent, because this government is too busy fighting among themselves to bother about running the country.
There’s a degree of medical and scientific arrogance involved here compounded by political dogma and cluelessness. If the medics can’t fix it or ease it, they’ll often deny experiential success and the Govt listens. We need much more in-depth, open minded research into the use of medical cannabis.
The fact is that many other countries allow, and use this medication in neurological conditions, chiefly epilepsy, MS, and Parkinson’s. Like all medicines, it doesn’t work for everyone, but when it does, believe me, it is life enhancing. If other countries have no problem prescribing it, then why on earth does our government fight it? It’s cheap compared to other medications, and as Billy’s mum (and I ) have said, you’d have to consume pints to get any kind of high, by which time I guess you’d have thrown up.

So why do I keep banging on about it on this forum? Because in my case, it’s the peripheral nerves that conduct the signals for the tremor. It’s peripheral nerves that cause the pain and pins and needles in diabetic neuropathy. Folk take mind bending drugs to suppress these symptoms, such as gabapentin, or even opioids. I strongly suspect that cannabinoids could help, without any side effects, and it is about time that Diabetes UK agitated for a trial of this medication so that people could sleep at night, and not need special socks and shoes to avoid triggering the discomfort when walking. While we are waiting for that, those with neuropathy should try it. PM me for the address of my wholly legal supplier. If my theory is wrong, I’ll reimburse the cost. If I’m right, tell Diabetes UK. And if this post is edited or deleted, I’ll be cross.
The fact is that many other countries allow, and use this medication in neurological conditions, chiefly epilepsy, MS, and Parkinson’s. Like all medicines, it doesn’t work for everyone, but when it does, believe me, it is life enhancing. If other countries have no problem prescribing it, then why on earth does our government fight it? It’s cheap compared to other medications, and as Billy’s mum (and I ) have said, you’d have to consume pints to get any kind of high, by which time I guess you’d have thrown up.

So why do I keep banging on about it on this forum? Because in my case, it’s the peripheral nerves that conduct the signals for the tremor. It’s peripheral nerves that cause the pain and pins and needles in diabetic neuropathy. Folk take mind bending drugs to suppress these symptoms, such as gabapentin, or even opioids. I strongly suspect that cannabinoids could help, without any side effects, and it is about time that Diabetes UK agitated for a trial of this medication so that people could sleep at night, and not need special socks and shoes to avoid triggering the discomfort when walking. While we are waiting for that, those with neuropathy should try it. PM me for the address of my wholly legal supplier. If my theory is wrong, I’ll reimburse the cost. If I’m right, tell Diabetes UK. And if this post is edited or deleted, I’ll be cross.

In fact I’d tick like a dozen times if I could Mike! 🙂
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