Home made ice lollies

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone have any great recipes for low carb ice lollies or creamy ones please.
Need to have some sort of dessert and need a break from sugar free jelly.
Thank you.
I've made lollies with low sugar ribena, and they were nice.

I also tried making ones with natural yogurt and berries in, but didn't put any sweetener in, and they were horrible! But I've found a recipe for them which suggests jam, which dependent on how much you added, isn't good for T2s, but you could try adding chopped up chunks of sugar free jelly or sweetener to the yogurt and berries to see if that was any good. Or maybe add a grated square of dark chocolate to spice it up a bit.

I usually have natural/Greek yogurt and berries for dessert, if I'm having it, but I've also tried baking things from Sugar Free Londoner's site, and they have lovely recipes, if you feel like a bit of baking.
Does anyone have any great recipes for low carb ice lollies or creamy ones please.
Need to have some sort of dessert and need a break from sugar free jelly.
Thank you.
You can whisk cream with frozen berries for an instant ice cream.
I make a fruit crumble with the topping made from ground almonds, low sugar granola, mixed seeds and butter. Obviously watch your portion size
Not an iced dessert, but I made these and added some cocoa to the mixture instead of chocolate chips on the top, and a bit of vanilla essence. I didn't use any form of sweetener and they aren't quite sweet enough, so I'm going to try using the suggested 1 tbsp of sugar next time. (I made fairy cake size and got 7, which I calculated at 3g carbs each, they will be about 5.5g each with the small amount of sugar I think.) They aren't particularly low on calories though due to the almond flour (150ish without the sugar, will be 160-165 with I think?)

Ive been making my own all summer. It’s so easy if you use silicone lolly moulds.
I mix double cream and yoghurt (about half of each) add any (or all) strawberries, blueberries or raspberries I have in the fridge and give it a quick blitz in a blender or mash together with a fork for a more rustic look! Sometimes I add a spoonful of powdered erythritol if it doesn’t taste sweet enough. Once frozen I store in bags so I can use the moulds again.
Great thank you. My ice lolly moulds should arrive tomorrow so will try all these recipes out.

Not sure if this link will work but these looked quiet interesting. Not lollies though
I follow her on tik tok she has some amazing simple low carb recipes
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