'Holy grail' insulin

Looks promising but I'd definitely have to set an alarm on my phone to remember to do it once a week. 🙄
Ah interesting to see this is still making progress!

I’ve been following this gradually inching forwards for the best part of a decade if I remember right.

Good to hear it’s still being supported, and has been given a slice of the Steve Morgan funding.
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I still think it's the same as the cure!
Somebody on Today this morning dampening down the enthusiasm. My interpretation is that some sort of funding round going on and people are vying to dip their hands in the pot. Apologies for my cynicism, but I have seen it before when it comes to science. Sad thing is that those more skilful at scientific politics and less scrupulous in their press releases tend to get the money.

Don't hold your breath, the proposition is not yet at trial stage it seems.
It’s been years since they first mentioned this, and then it was “very close” - not! Better to work on sources of stem-cell created beta cells that can hide from the immune attack or be topped up when needed.

Call me cynical, but this seems like another money-making enterprise, as are most of the modern insulins. They’re all full of hype but very few meet the hyped up features.
I read the article with interest but only a smidgen of optimism.
Based on zero facts, I believe the research should be on stopping the immune attack which causes Type 1 rather than curing it when we have it. If they did this, Type 1 would no longer happen and a cure is not needed. This would be great for future generations but not for those of us who have it today.
So, the smidgen of optimism is that this could really help hose already diagnosed.
This was a interesting story and shows that in the fight against Tyoe One Diabetes progrees is being made..but I think we're still a very long way from finding a cure.