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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am actually for the first time since I was diagnosed back in September looking forward to my upcoming holiday that like most people has been cancelled and rebooked more times than I can remember due to covid! I’m off to Florida beginning of June slightly panicked about what to eat/what will be easily accessible to me, In the past 6 months since diagnosis I have lowered my initial hbac1 from 89 down to 38 I’m not and never have been put on any diabetes meds I’ve done it solely through diet and exercise which of course has resulted in substantial weight loss! We’re going for 2 weeks to Disney world from past experience not the healthiest place in the world for food choices I’m planning on having one treat a day whether that be a biscuit or ice cream through the day or a pudding after my evening meal but limiting it to one does that seem sensible/reasonable or still way over indulgent? I was trying to weigh up in my mind the amount of walking I’ll be doing could maybe off set the calorie intake a bit so it’s not quite as damaging? I want to have a good holiday and enjoy myself without being a pest to the rest of my family by refusing to eat at certain places like I currently do at home but I don’t want to do anything to undo any of the steps forward I’ve taken x
I do hope you can enjoy your holiday and by making the food you have worth it, Don't be worried about leaving food on your plate as you will probably find the portions are huge by comparison to what you are used to having here.
Maybe sharing a pudding would work.
Go and enjoy yourself within the sensible limits you have set yourself.
If you find your levels have slipped a little bit, you know how to deal with that and get things back on track when you get home because you have brought them down from a much higher level before.
It isn't a onetime only chance with diabetes, it is about managing it throughout your lifetime, so a bit of leeway on holiday may mean you need to tighten things up a bit afterwards but that is what holidays are about, just like many normal people indulge over the festive season at Christmas and then diet in January. Indulging yourself within sensible limits for a special occasion and then making up for it later with a bit of dieting is an entirely reasonable and sensible strategy.

Go for it and have a great time. :D
Have a wonderful time @sarahb83

I think your approach sounds very sensible. It would be a shame to feel like you couldn’t have an occasional treat every now and then, and you have clearly found a way of eating that really works for you.

I think you are right in that there is often more walking and exertion on a holiday and when sightseeing, and this can help to offset any increase in carb and calorie intake.

Plus warmer weather tends to increase insulin sensitivity to some extent (at least it does with T1).

But I think you are wise to be careful, and to want to not overdo it - last thing you want is to end up feeling sluggish, lethargic and unable to fully enjoy the experience.

Hope you have a blast!
No need to steer clear of any type of restaurant @sarahb83! Whenever we go out I just make sure I only eat half the carbs. With burgers I just take the lid off (and sometimes the bottom if I'm in martyr mode!), at pizzerias I order calzone and cut the crust off. Last week I had a steak ciabatta and ended up just eating the steak but I did sneak 6 chips in as well 😉

Have a fabulous time and you will certainly be packing some walking in to offset the yummy food! xx
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