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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My grandson will be 18 next year and will be just over a year since diagnosed. He wants to go away abroad in his first holiday with friends has we are concerned has anyone else been in this dilemma has we are worrying tia
My grandson will be 18 next year and will be just over a year since diagnosed. He wants to go away abroad in his first holiday with friends has we are concerned has anyone else been in this dilemma has we are worrying tia
No matter what you and his parents will always worry. My Mum still worries about me she is 85 and I was diagnosed almost 57 years ago. 🙂
Your Grandson is now an adult though so needs to spread his wings. Looking on the bright side in this day and age there is the internet and mobile phones for instant communication. He will be fine so will you ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))
I totally agree I said to my daughter he needs to enjoy the fruit life has to offer and yes technology is great thankyou x
There are lots of tips for travel with insulin for both pumps and injections (and for insulin and alcohol if that’s relevant). Make sure he has insurance and that his travel companions are educated in his needs and also have contact information for his parents for if they have any questions. And make sure he has plenty of minutes on his phone for the country he’s going to so he can check in and get reassurance if he needs it. I hope he has a great time.
Any possibility of a few local trips away for a weekend, maybe a week away early in the year, assuming that he has not had the experience of being away from home?
It’s hard letting go isn’t it, especially when they have medical issues! But they have to grow up and learn to deal with things themselves. I’m sure he’ll be fine.
My daughter went on a school trip to France when she was 12, we had a meeting with the teachers to explain everything that was required but she had to learn to do her pump refills by herself, which she’d never done before. I tried to write a step by step set of instructions but she didn’t want them and preferred to commit them to memory. She managed amazingly well and I didn’t get any emergency phone calls, I think the teachers with her were more nervous than either she or I were!

Tips for travelling: work out how much of everything you need (insulin, needles, lancets, test strips, pump consumables if on a pump) and take at least twice as much as that. Don’t pack insulin in your suitcase if flying as it will freeze in the hold and then be rendered useless. Pumps and sensors may be unable to go through body scanners, you can ask to be searched with the hand scanners instead as they are safe (as are the metal detector archways). Take a copy of your prescription and/or a doctors note explaining that you have diabetes just in case you get any jobsworths at the airport asking about any equipment, most airport staff see plenty of diabetics every day though and are used to it.

I bet your grandson will have a whale of a time and manage everything perfectly well! And then once he’s done it the first time you won’t worry so much the next time 🙂
Thankyou everyone great advice you have all given and will take on board and it 6 months away but we will all and him prepare him for his holiday xx
Just don't be prophets of doom, is all!
We are not prophets of doom just it all new his first holiday abroad he is on the autism spectrum and just picking people brains on ideas has it 6 months away we just pre planning but still very new to this concerning him going away but I’m sure we will all be ready and he will have so much fun
I said that with a big grin - for some reason Forum Smilies are no longer available to me.
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