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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone. Hope you’re all good. I have a few questions.?. I have type 2 diabetes. I’m going abroad this year for a big birthday. Never been abroad since diagnosed. Just wondering what I can eat and drink on holiday. Just had bloods done last wk and my hb1Ac was 63 jumped up from 50 from my last check with diabetes nurse. Do you think I’ll be put on meds? I’m really clueless about diabetes. Just been stopping eating the likes of cakes, crisps, biscuits etc. obviously this isn’t good enough as my numbers have gone up. If I am put on meds are there side effects. Just been diagnosed with gallstones in my bile duct and can barely eat as after eating I get bad abdominal pain. Someone told me it’s bad to skip meals with diabetes. Can anyone tell me why? Any advice will be most helpful regarding everything I have mentioned. Thank you in advance .
Hi @jane58 Its all carbs you need to watch, not just sweet/treat ones - so bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, etc. If I were you, I’d eat as advised for the gallstones and then eat only moderate amounts of carbs for the diabetes.

Where are you going on holiday? Most places have food that you can eat with a few adjustments, eg leaving any bread and only eating a small portion of the accompanying carbs.
Where are you going on hols? Well, not so much where but what type of holiday. If mealtimes are a buffet type event, eg cruise ship or hotel chain, then it’s really easy to make sensible Type 2 choices. Just pick the healthy, low carb foods.

If you’re eating in restaurants all the time, it will be slightly tougher but no different to here. Just ask them to substitute chips or any carbs for salad or vegetables.

I’m off to Spain again beginning of March and while it pains me greatly that paella is off the menu, there will be loads of other excellent food available. Lots and lots of fish which I don’t buy so much here because it’s too expensive now :(
If you HbA1C has gone up it suggests that you haven't made enough adjustments to your diet, however the poor dietary advice from the NHS that is perhaps understandable.
Making changes now should set you on the right track. Have a look at this link for a low carb approach
Getting a blood glucose monitor will help you keep track of what is going on day to day, week to week rather than waiting for that shock of the periodic HbA1C which doesn't help with the NOW management of your condition.
By getting into the low carb new way of eating will help you make better choices when on holiday as you will better know what foods to avoid.
Re its bad to skip meals....that is the case if you were on old style mixed insulins or possible some other medication. If you are type 2 and not on medication, not sure what the problem with skipping meals would be (apart from hunger)
Re its bad to skip meals....that is the case if you were on old style mixed insulins or possible some other medication. If you are type 2 and not on medication, not sure what the problem with skipping meals would be (apart from hunger)
On the weight loss course I’m on they said do not skip meals as it will make you more hungry later on and you’ll make worse choices then. I’d said I’d rather skip breakfast and just eat a bigger tea, because I’m not hungry in the mornings and I’m starving in the evenings.

Unless you’re on medication that can cause hypos though then do whatever you find best for you. Lots of people use intermittent fasting to manage type 2 diabetes which involves only eating for a certain time window each day eg 8 hrs and skipping a meal outside of that window.
With gallstones, you have to watch how much fat you eat too, if you don't want to be in pain. What are they going to do about them?
Hi everyone. Hope you’re all good. I have a few questions.?. I have type 2 diabetes. I’m going abroad this year for a big birthday. Never been abroad since diagnosed. Just wondering what I can eat and drink on holiday. Just had bloods done last wk and my hb1Ac was 63 jumped up from 50 from my last check with diabetes nurse. Do you think I’ll be put on meds? I’m really clueless about diabetes. Just been stopping eating the likes of cakes, crisps, biscuits etc. obviously this isn’t good enough as my numbers have gone up. If I am put on meds are there side effects. Just been diagnosed with gallstones in my bile duct and can barely eat as after eating I get bad abdominal pain. Someone told me it’s bad to skip meals with diabetes. Can anyone tell me why? Any advice will be most helpful regarding everything I have mentioned. Thank you in advance .
If you are going on holiday you should perhaps try an push for something to be done about your gallstones as you don't want to have problems when away for home in a foreign country if that is where you are going on holiday.
Make sure your travel insurance would cover you as it would be a pre-existing condition.
If you are going on holiday you should perhaps try an push for something to be done about your gallstones as you don't want to have problems when away for home in a foreign country if that is where you are going on holiday.
Make sure your travel insurance would cover you as it would be a pre-existing condition.
i will have to wait a long time to get a small op to get rid of the gallstones. the way the nhs waiting list are could be at least 6 months if not longer. might even have to cancel holiday . thanks for your reply
With gallstones, you have to watch how much fat you eat too, if you don't want to be in pain. What are they going to do about them?
Hi.... i had gallstones in 2010, they removed my gallblader by doing keyhole surgery. I am waiting for a scan to see how big the stones are in my bile duct, the doctor said it would most probably be keyhole again to remove the stones. sometimes even a drink of tea starts pain, its a nightmare. i have managed a cpl bananas today and hot milk. knowing the nhs waiting list this will be a long wait before anything gets done. I havent had diabetes that long but my cousin has type 1 and he said its not good not to eat if you have diabetes, you have to watch for starvation keytones. its like he is speaking double dutch to me. i really need to educate myself. thanks for replying
On the weight loss course I’m on they said do not skip meals as it will make you more hungry later on and you’ll make worse choices then. I’d said I’d rather skip breakfast and just eat a bigger tea, because I’m not hungry in the mornings and I’m starving in the evenings.

Unless you’re on medication that can cause hypos though then do whatever you find best for you. Lots of people use intermittent fasting to manage type 2 diabetes which involves only eating for a certain time window each day eg 8 hrs and skipping a meal outside of that window.
my cousin has type 2 he said you shouldnt skip too much meals as you have to watch for starvation keytones. he could be speaking double dutch to me as i dont know what he means. and maybe that only happens to type 2 diabetics. i really need to educate myself more.
Re its bad to skip meals....that is the case if you were on old style mixed insulins or possible some other medication. If you are type 2 and not on medication, not sure what the problem with skipping meals would be (apart from hunger)
my cousin has type 1 he said to watch for starvation keytones as im not able to eat much at all. i dont know anything about this. i really need to educate myself about diabetes. thanks for your reply
my cousin has type 2 he said you shouldnt skip too much meals as you have to watch for starvation keytones. he could be speaking double dutch to me as i dont know what he means. and maybe that only happens to type 2 diabetics. i really need to educate myself more.
sorry meant he has type 1
sorry meant he has type 1
Type 1 is a different kettle of fish.
If people do what is called a keto diet which is extremely low carbohydrate only 20g per day they produce starvation ketones which is basically what they are aiming to achieve, that is quite different from Ketones produced by people who are diabetic and have high blood glucose and that can be life threatening and need immediate medical attention. So don't get confused.

I would just say that bananas are not the best as they are very high carbohydrate and something that many who are Type 2 would be avoiding or maybe risking half a one. Are there not any lower carb foods you could tolerate.
Hi @jane58 Its all carbs you need to watch, not just sweet/treat ones - so bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, etc. If I were you, I’d eat as advised for the gallstones and then eat only moderate amounts of carbs for the diabetes.

Where are you going on holiday? Most places have food that you can eat with a few adjustments, eg leaving any bread and only eating a small portion of the accompanying carbs.
Hi... thanks for your reply..... i have not cut out the carbs you mentioned i have replaced them with brown rice and bread and maybe have potatoes once a week. i am not fond of vegetables and fruit. is a Hb1Ac of 63 classed as high? i really dont want to be put on meds. i am still waiting to see dr to chat about my results.( my bloods were done before christmas and still waitng to see a dr , I got my Hb1Ac from receptionist at surgery.) we dont have a diabetes nurse in our surgery, the one we had left so now have to wait for some dr to be taken in to surgery every so often.. i really need to educate myself about diabetes i'm clueless really, i thought id just need to stop the junk foods. I am going away at the end of july to Tenerife. do you drink Alcohol at all? if not what do you replace it with on holiday?
Where are you going on hols? Well, not so much where but what type of holiday. If mealtimes are a buffet type event, eg cruise ship or hotel chain, then it’s really easy to make sensible Type 2 choices. Just pick the healthy, low carb foods.

If you’re eating in restaurants all the time, it will be slightly tougher but no different to here. Just ask them to substitute chips or any carbs for salad or vegetables.

I’m off to Spain again beginning of March and while it pains me greatly that paella is off the menu, there will be loads of other excellent food available. Lots and lots of fish which I don’t buy so much here because it’s too expensive now :(
Hi Deb, thanks for your reply... im off to Tenerife in July. im not a big fan of fish, but i agree the price is ridiculous. what do you replace alcohol with? or do you still allow yourself a drink or two?
Wholemeal carbs are better than white carbs, but you’ll still need to limit the amounts you eat because they’ll raise your blood sugar too. Make friends with veg! It’s so good for you quite apart from the diabetes, and it will really help you feel satisfied on your new way of eating.
Wholemeal carbs are better than white carbs, but you’ll still need to limit the amounts you eat because they’ll raise your blood sugar too. Make friends with veg! It’s so good for you quite apart from the diabetes, and it will really help you feel satisfied on your new way of eating.
potatoes and rice, and pasta were always part of my meals not im kinda stuck what to eat as i dont like veg
Hi... thanks for your reply..... i have not cut out the carbs you mentioned i have replaced them with brown rice and bread and maybe have potatoes once a week. i am not fond of vegetables and fruit. is a Hb1Ac of 63 classed as high? i really dont want to be put on meds. i am still waiting to see dr to chat about my results.( my bloods were done before christmas and still waitng to see a dr , I got my Hb1Ac from receptionist at surgery.) we dont have a diabetes nurse in our surgery, the one we had left so now have to wait for some dr to be taken in to surgery every so often.. i really need to educate myself about diabetes i'm clueless really, i thought id just need to stop the junk foods. I am going away at the end of july to Tenerife. do you drink Alcohol at all? if not what do you replace it with on holiday?
I'm afraid it is not just junk food that is the problem and many people feel they have a healthy diet but sadly it is not if diabetic as it is too high in carbs. Things like rice, pasta, bread regardless of colour are high carb as well as potatoes, breakfast cereals, pastry and tropical fruits like bananas, pineapple, mango.
An HbA1C of 63mmol/mol is quite high (the threshold for diagnosis is anything over 47mmol/mol) but not as high as many. However at that level I would be surprised if your GP wouldn't want you to start mediation especially as you may struggle with eating foods which are low carb like meat, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy, vegetables and salads and fruit like berries since you say you don't like them.
There is good explanation in this link which is for a low carb approach, you may find some meals in the menu plans which may suit you or which you can adapt.
As for drinks, dry wines and spirits with diet mixers are usually ok in moderation but as it is likely to be hot at that time of year plenty of water and diet drinks.
potatoes and rice, and pasta were always part of my meals not im kinda stuck what to eat as i dont like veg

You can substitute cauliflower rice for normal rice. Pasta - get one of the lentil or pulse based pastas and only have a small portion. Same with potatoes - a small portion.

Do you like salad? There must be some veg you like? Stir fries? Soups? Salads. I know I said it in a jokey way, but vegetables really are great - particularly green leafy veg.
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