Holiday Pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Phoned Animas yesterday to request a holiday pump for my daughter who is going on a school trip to Barcelona to be told that they no longer lend pumps if you are in Europe as they guarrentee to get one to you in 24 hours. They are now advising you take back up plan insulin with you.
Phoned Animas yesterday to request a holiday pump for my daughter who is going on a school trip to Barcelona to be told that they no longer lend pumps if you are in Europe as they guarrentee to get one to you in 24 hours. They are now advising you take back up plan insulin with you.

So no different than being in the UK then 🙂
Hi Mel

I have just found this out too, Yes you have to go back to MDI inc Background Insulin x
You are told to keep a few spare syringes anway. :confused::confused:

Quite right and what happens if your pump goes t*ts up on a Saturday evening and it's bank holiday on the Monday? The earliest you would get a pump from the UK would be Tues evening at a push or Weds morning.
have you asked your diabetes centre if they have a loan pump? I recently came back from holiday and they lent me one (nice to have peace of mind) they have 1 spare loan pump for people going on holiday. 🙂
We always take spares and spare spares ! Good thought re the diabetic team however when the pump gave out last time we duly rung up the ward for the spare pump> they couldn't find it, the doctors couldn't find it and the diabetic nurse was uncontactable so back to MDI > our team don't routinely give background insulin as a spare> Am now battling with the GP surgery re getting spare Levemir but thats another story and a familar one to many......:(
We always take spares and spare spares ! Good thought re the diabetic team however when the pump gave out last time we duly rung up the ward for the spare pump> they couldn't find it, the doctors couldn't find it and the diabetic nurse was uncontactable so back to MDI > our team don't routinely give background insulin as a spare> Am now battling with the GP surgery re getting spare Levemir but thats another story and a familar one to many......:(

Surely You should have a reserve supply of MDI insulin bolus and basal in case of pump failure etc! I would stamp my feet to get it. My previous post sounded that it read that I loaned a pump after my holiday......i meant that I had a loan spare pump for my holiday...and returned it when we got back.
There isnt that many pumps about & you would be stopping someone else HAVING ONE ????? Just get a syringe & inject.
There isnt that many pumps about & you would be stopping someone else HAVING ONE ????? Just get a syringe & inject.

I don't think there is a stock problem of pumps.....the issue is the cost of supplying and the ongoing cost of pump consumables. A spare pump held by a diabetes centre is a great idea and I know that the 40 or so pumpers that are supported by my D centre are grateful for the occasional loan of a spare pump for's not a case of a potential pumper going without.
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