Holiday insulin


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I’m type 1 (with libre 2sensor ) and need to go to Australia to see my son but I’m worried about my baseline insulin and when to inject due to the time difference and the plane journey, has anyone else done it as I’d love advice please ?
I’ve only ever taken one long-haul flight (Singapore, so about halfway to Aus), and I wondered the same thing.

In the end, I figured that travel stress, airport food, pressure variations and all the rest would make it a day of firefighting and extra-checking in any case, so there was only marginal possible benefit in trying to gradually move basal from one time zone to another in carefully calculated steps over numerous days.

So effectively I just switched to ‘airplane time’ when boarding - which was more less the destination timezone. Then ate the meals and took my basal at those times. Depending on flight time this might involve some ‘overlap’ of basal doses too close together… or some gap between basal doses too far apart. But as long as I was aware of those I could keep a close eye on levels and adjust accordingly.
Well I had used to take Lantus but by the time I did my only really long haul flight (to Oz to see my sister & family) I used Levemir which doesn't last as long anyway - BUT I did much the same as Mike and firefought with Novorapid until we got to Brisbane - went to bed that night got up next morning and just carried on same as I do at home. Main thing is - test test test!
Semglee every morning at 8 and novo rapid on eating

Ok, so you now need to look at your flight times - both the time you leave the U.K. and the time you arrive in Australia (local Aus time and what time it would be in the U.K.) Bearing in mind those, you can then decide whether to split or reduce your Semglee or to shift the time of it a little while you’re in the U.K. The aim is to firstly avoid hypos (not nice on a plane) and to ensure you a) have the right amount of insulin over 24hrs and b) have a do-able basal injection time whilst you’re in Australia @Wakey
Whenever I have travelled big time differences, my focus is on injection time at destination.
I try to keep my Lantus doses between 20 and 28 hours apart and move it by a few hours each day before travel to achieve this.
I have read about adjusting dose to account for the time difference between doses but this has always made me very nervous because I understand the Lantus profile as lasting the same length of time regardless of dose resulting in less basal than needed during travel days or an overlap.
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