Holiday Insulin time change


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Going to Majorca for 10 days take Levimir twice
a day advice on change time zone +1hour difference
type 2 Stay on uk time or change !
Going to Majorca for 10 days take Levimir twice
a day advice on change time zone +1hour difference
type 2 Stay on uk time or change !
I never find an hour either way makes much difference with my Levemir, so I do whatever’s most convenient, I tend to be going to bed and getting up a bit later on holiday anyway, (which is when I take my Levemir) so it tends to cancel out an hour's time difference. How do you handle our UK twice yearly clock change?
I take my Levemir when I wake up and when I go to bed and don't worry about an hour or three either way. My body's rhythm tends to revolve more around these parameters than the hands of a clock. ie. my levels don't start to rise until I get out of bed most of the time and my levels drop when I go to sleep, so liver function and basal needs are more dependent upon these factors than the actual time I do them. Obviously if I get up very late and then go to bed very early the same day, my morning and evening dose have a bigger overlap which can be problematic, but I can just reduce my evening dose if that happens, to compensate. The great thing about Levemir is that it is really flexible, so that you can make adjustments and more or less get results in real time.

I might have mentioned this before on this forum, maybe just once or twice 🙄 but I love my Levemir!
I take my Levemir when I wake up and when I go to bed and don't worry about an hour or three either way. My body's rhythm tends to revolve more around these parameters than the hands of a clock. ie. my levels don't start to rise until I get out of bed most of the time and my levels drop when I go to sleep, so liver function and basal needs are more dependent upon these factors than the actual time I do them. Obviously if I get up very late and then go to bed very early the same day, my morning and evening dose have a bigger overlap which can be problematic, but I can just reduce my evening dose if that happens, to compensate. The great thing about Levemir is that it is really flexible, so that you can make adjustments and more or less get results in real time.

I might have mentioned this before on this forum, maybe just once or twice 🙄 but I love my Levemir!
thanks most appreciated your reply!Totally agree Levimir suits me aswell !
I wouldn’t worry about one hour time difference.
It’s just like daylight saving which I don’t change my dosage time for.
And, like @rebrascora, I am not accurate at taking it at exactly the same time every day.
Our bodies are pretty resilient to the odd hour here or there.
On my DAFNE course I was told to take my Levemir when I rise and retire ( must be at least 7 hours difference). Enjoy your holiday.
You shouldn't worry about the time difference @SusanS. I'm currently on holiday in Barcelona with my fiencee Gloria and there's a one hour time difference.Put it to the back of your mind and have a good holiday.
Have a lovely holiday @SusanS

Looks like the weather here is turning, so just the right time to go and get some late sun!