hip pain

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I do have a doctors appointment for Monday but I have had pain in my hip that travels down my leg for a few weeks and it is getting worse. It isn't so bad during the day but is agony at night and I usually have to get up around 2 or 3 am, take pain killers, walk around a bit and then try to sleep in a chair for a while. I have found some web pages about pain like this in diabetics but I'm not the sort to assume this is a diagnosis for me. The funny thing is my BG is well controlled now and I have lost quite a bit of weight. Has anyone else experienced this?
It sounds similar to hubbies sciatica. The docotor prescribed extra strong pain killers and rest. I'm glad you have a doctors appointment and will get things checked out, but if the pain becomes too much over the weekend give NHS Direct call or go to A&E, I know A&E is not a fun place to be at the weekend, but it's better than being in pain.

I hope you are better soon
Thanks Caroline. The receptionist at the docs did ask me if it was an emergency and said if it was she could get me in today but I can wait as I have put up with it for a few weeks. I hope I don't have to rest as I have such a busy life. Actually it is better if I can move around a bit. If I stay still it gets very stiff when I do move again.
While I am at the docs I shall have my Hba1c. Any bets on what it will be? I'm hoping for a good one. Since getting the Byetta 3 months ago my testing has showed levels usually in the 6's and rarely above 8 or below 4. My last one was last October and was 10.5 which led to the referral for Byetta.
I have had various back problems over the years including problems with the sciatic nerve on my left side.

Do you find the pain travels down your leg and into your foot and the thigh and buttock regions feel sort of numb? And do you find it makes you limp?

If it does it sounds like pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Hope you get to the bottom of the problem and feel better soon.
Hi Lizzie sorry i cant offer any practical advice, hope it gets sorted soon hun xx
Hi Lizzie, Does sound a bit like sciatica, hope you manage to get it sorted. I also hope you manage to get a good sleep, I know how bad that can be my frozen sholder has been keeping me awake the last few nights... (((hugs)))
Thanks all. The pain kind of starts deep in my hip socket and runs down outside/front of leg to half way down the shin bone. Its funny because its not very painful during the day but is hellish at night or if I sit still for a while. I was watching Emmerdale earlier and when I stood up it was agony and I bypassed the aspirin and paracetamol and downed 2 paramol which have now reduced the pain to bearable. I had hip pain years ago when I was pregnant for the second time. I was told then that it was due to damage to the ligaments in my hip during a difficult delivery the first time round. It was sorted by an osteopath and I haven't had any bother since but this pain is quite different in that it gets much worse at night and goes so far down my leg. It hurts while I am asleep in bed and it wakes me so I have no weight on it then. I'm seeing a registrar GP on Monday so I hope she is well versed in hips. I did poke about on the web and saw that nerve damage can cause hip pain in diabetics which was why I was asking if anybody here had this type of pain.
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