Hign bs and spots?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
another one of my silly questions can there be a link between constant high bs and getting spots Have noticed that in last 6 weeks since high levels im getting really bad spots for fffs sake im 44 years old and my face is like a join the dots competition my life is so much fun with this and constant thrush 😡
Hi Gail, the spots are pretty likely to be due to your high blood sugar levels, so not a silly question at all! Many people report getting spots, boils etc. before diagnosis which clear when their blood sugar levels are more under control. Feeling generally run down, as you must do at the moment, is also a likely contributing factor. I'm 51 and I still get them occasionally when I am feeling below par. Hope your doctor can help with the insulin and get those levels down, so that you can say goodbye to the spots and the thrush! 🙂
No question is silly in the quest for information.

I think there may be a link between high blood sugars and spots. When I am a bit high I seem to get tiny spots on my hands. If they are itchy a little anisceptic cream helps and I wtach what I eat.
I had regular outbreaks before diagnosis which really annoyed me as I'm in my 50s and got safely through puberty without a single pleuk. They've cleared up now though.
hi gail no question is silly !!! i had spots and abcesses pre dx thats partly why they suspected it ..as for the thrush 😱 yes it is a sympton and an absolute nightmare ...my gp gave me the little blue pill fluconazole cos i am allergic to canestan and pessaries x
If my sugars stay on the high side I get covered in spots :(
thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest am also getting accesses in my armpit uuuurrrggghhhhh thought it may be due to deorderant maybe its not
Gail, no question is a stupid question. I get spots/boils if my bs is high. In fact that is how I was originally diagnosed, I had a recurring boil and the nurse spotted the symptoms did a fasting test and boom diagnosis as for thrush, I am thinking of asking for canisten on repeat prescripton...

Nurse told me it is something to do with the bacteria liking sugary environments and multiplying or something like that???
in a word, YES, from the minute i was born they thought i was diabetic as it run strong through my mothers family, in the end they said i was sugar intolerant ,when ever i took to much sugar i would break out in massive boils,
it got that bad i was banned from buying sweets from local shops ,
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