highlight of day!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
my highlight of day.....

i slept in for my appointment for collecting my glasses woke up at 10am when my appointment was for 10am phoned up and stated that i was running late and could i collect later, collected my glasses and the person fitting my glasses done his bit making sure that they fitted etc and i left the shop 5 min in another shop they lady from the spec shop was looking for me as the assistance didnt know that there was a balance to pay 😱(neither did i) as i thought that i paid it last week anyway back into the spec shop again to sort that out.

my friend arrived to go to the gym this afternoon we never made it we went out to lunch and i had a piece of choc cake on top of that ive got my m...thlys 😡 trying to motovate myself to finishing the housework wondering if going to the gym and swiming is worth the hassle as the weight is not falling off quick enough( i know that slice of cake didnt help) though i know at my heavest i was a size 26/28 pregnant at that time and my son was a 10lbs baby that was 12yrs ago at diagnose i was a size 22 now im at a size 18 dont feel ive lost weight certanly not around my middle tho the staff at the gym said that i will loose weight on my middle eventualy ,feeling im fighting a loosing battle ..... grump grump grump
Sounds like a hell of a day. Hugs. Oh, and I deleted the second copy of this thread you posted.:D
It's strange when one thing goes wrong the day just seems to continue like that! Tomorrow will be better I am sure. You have done really well coming down to a size 18 so your hard work must be paying off and as for the chocolate cake, we all have to have a treat sometime 🙂 and tomorrow you can get back on track. Keep up the good work!
When I have a day like that I write it off and start again tomorrow. Try not to be too impatient with getting the weight off - my philosophy is 'slowlee slolee catchee monkey' - it will come off and you will reach plateaus - the trick is not giving up. And I'm sure one piece of choc cake is perfectly acceptable!
i am trying not to do my b s as the doc saying im doing it too often not done it for 2 days and its driving me batty feeling low and fustrated my son threw the tv remote at me before he went upstairs and it bounce off my shin very sore i know it was an accident but im glad he went upstairs as i want to hibernate and my brain not working any more
I hope today is bette for you. We all have bad days.

Loosing weight is hard at the best of times. The body is an odd thing. We know we must loose weight, but the body hangs on to the fat. Goes back to the cave man days when food was a bit more scarce, the body held onto the fat for the days when no food was available. Now that we have plenty of food and it is on every street corner and our lives are less active we just put on weight. Then when we try to loose weight the body fights back because it thinks there is a famine and needs to store energy for other things.

Hope that makes sense?
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