Highest Basal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
What time of the day do you have your highest basal rate. Mine is early evening 2.35 uph. My lowest is mid afternoon 1.3 uph. Please let me know yours. Thanks.🙂
1.35 u/hr at the most and 0.9 u/hr at the lowest. I wish my basals were what they were at the start of pumping which was bliss haha!
My lowest is 0.6u/hr, my highest is 1.15 from midnight to 05:00am.

I'd be interested to know your ratios too 😉
Actually I have just checked, my lowest is 0.650u/hr.

I'm adjusting them a lot recently for some reason?!
morning all,
my lowest is 0.4 ph from midday till 8pm and my highest is 0.7 ph 5-9am. Still being tweaked occasionally though!
My lowest is 1 u/h from midnight to 8am. The highest is 1.2 u/h which is 8am to 2pm and also 7pm till midnight. It drops to 1.15 u/h between 2 & 7pm.

I'm doing a *lot* of fettling at the moment, as I'm still breastfeeding but the frequency is dropping a bit, so my levels are starting to rise a bit. I need to do the fasting basal thingy, but again the breastfeeding cocks it up as it makes my levels drop quite a lot and I need to eat to prevent a hypo.
my highest is 0.925u/h from midnight to 3am and lowest 0.425u/h 09.00-18.00 (on work days only) Sue
Alex's basals are:

00.00 - 0.425
03.00 - 0.475
6.30 - 0.525 (helps with DP)
7.30 - 0.450
8.30 - 0.500
10.00 - 0.375
18.00 - 0.450
22.00 - 0.425

Lowest = .375
Highest = .525

His total daily insulin is normally 25 units of which 10 units are basal.🙂Bev
Total basal at the moment 10.9 units, which has dropped from around 12.5 over the last few weeks. As ive been doing more exercise ive had to decrease.

Lowest is 0.05 (this is because i was on zero but my consultant doesnt like you not to have periods with no basals), from 4 -5pm, highest 0.80 5 -7 am, sorts my df and my breakfast peak.

Have also lowered my breakfast and lunch ratios due to the exercise.

breakfast 1.2:10
lunch 1.2:10
tea 1.5:10 🙂
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