Higher than usual BG at 2hr post prandial test

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
I have been lurking and learning here for a few months. It has been very useful but I have a question now..
Original Hba1c September 2023 43, implemented some changes, retested late December at 41. Feeling pleased with the result but realise that there is more work to be done. BMI is 21, no weight loss required. I am now using a glucometer to test pre and post prandial, identifying the problem foods etc. Results have generally been under 8 and less than increase of 2 but things have changed over the last few days, carbs unchanged, pre prandial unchanged but post prandial has increased to 9 or 10, retesting an extra hour later, ie 3 hours after pre prandial, shows results back down into 6's and 7's. Pre prandial are coming in around 5.5. The only change is that I have caught a cold, usual sore throat and a bit of a sniffle, would that be causing the higher readings?
Thank for reading my first question.
I have been lurking and learning here for a few months. It has been very useful but I have a question now..
Original Hba1c September 2023 43, implemented some changes, retested late December at 41. Feeling pleased with the result but realise that there is more work to be done. BMI is 21, no weight loss required. I am now using a glucometer to test pre and post prandial, identifying the problem foods etc. Results have generally been under 8 and less than increase of 2 but things have changed over the last few days, carbs unchanged, pre prandial unchanged but post prandial has increased to 9 or 10, retesting an extra hour later, ie 3 hours after pre prandial, shows results back down into 6's and 7's. Pre prandial are coming in around 5.5. The only change is that I have caught a cold, usual sore throat and a bit of a sniffle, would that be causing the higher readings?
Thank for reading my first question.
That can happen very commonly when people have an infection or are stressed and often people just are a bit more careful of their carb intake and make sure they drink plenty.
It’s probably just the cold, see how things go when you’re feeling better
Glad you have de-lurked @Aitchelle 🙂

Hope your cold clears soon, and your levels return to where you’d expect them to be.

Coughs, colds, illness, and injury can all bump up BGs as the body fights infection and/or tries to repair damage.

Sometimes I find my BG remains unaffected by any lurgy that’s passing through, but other times it’s the first thing to show. I get a day otpr two of mysteriously elevated numbers, and only later do I actually get the symptoms of the illness emerging and understand what was going on.

All part of life’s rich pattern with diabetes :D
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