Higher readings for longer times.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As my last blood test put me at the lower end of pre-diabetic (no meds) I went onto white wine (2 bottles!) at the weekend and has some whole wheat pasta as part of my evening meal. I know I am not perfect!
I am usually in the sixes until I eat something then it goes back again after a couple of hours. However my continuous monitor has had me at a higher rate being about in the 7.7 and 8.5 range overnight and now before lunch its 7.6 which is high for me.
I thought alcohol was ok ish ie 6 carbs a glass or something. The pasta meal I had was probably too large in portion size and my BG got to 10.7 for an hour.
So my question is why does my BG remain high say 8.5 long after a spike? I walked 4 miles on Sunday and my BG only went down to 7.2.
Its a puzzle to me! Seems I have to be a very good boy all the time.
Well people with T2D have a slower clearance rate of glucose from the blood and sometimes have a liver that's overproducing glucose. This combined with extra glucose from diet may have raised the point at which it all balances itself out.
The effects of alcohol inhibit glucose production in the liver, which can cause low blood sugar (Even in non diabetics.) and interfere with glucose regulation.

Glucose from carbs enters the bloodstream via the intestines.

I personally find alcohol sends my blood sugar levels low. If I have a couple of beers (20g of carbs each) it rises a little into the 7s and then can plummet right down into the 3s for a bit before creeping back up to 5/6. Wine and spirits cause a drop without a rise.
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Thanks for that. This is quite complicated! The bottom line is that I shouldn't consume anything other than a strict diet!
I do like a glass though. Maybe I should wean myself onto dry white wine but I know on a weekend if the sun is shing I like to crack open a bottle and drink it!
when I drink dry white and it lowers my BS we go out twice w week and i have wine and desert which for some reason doesn't cause any issues
when I drink dry white and it lowers my BS we go out twice w week and i have wine and desert which for some reason doesn't cause any issues
Dessert - that would be lovely. I am just eating berries and yoghurt with nuts. I would love apple pie and custard/Eton mess. One day!
Dessert - that would be lovely. I am just eating berries and yoghurt with nuts. I would love apple pie and custard/Eton mess. One day!
My treat i have when out is Lemon curd cheese cake with cream the wine balances it out for me
Some of the local pubs we go to when we eat out do a 'Hot Drink & Mini-Dessert' option and I always have a cappuccino and chocolate brownie (or half a chocolate brownie, as it's a mini). One of them even serves it up warm with a scoop of ice cream. We generally only eat out on special occasions like birthdays and anniversary, so it's only an occasional treat.
All these replies are acting on the hypothesis that the pasta is the cause of your longer high reading.
Whilst this may be the reason, it is not the only hypothesis available: there are many things which can cause BG to be higher such as a change in medication, illness, stress, a bad night's sleep (and I do not sleep well after drinking), weather and more.
A rise in my BG can be a pre-cursor to a cold as my body attempts to fight off the lurgy before I feel the symptoms.
I am currently managing a sports injury which as well as the pain likely to be affecting my BG, I am also exercising less which will also raise it and while the lack of exercise causes stress (I am weird in that I need exercise), the pain affects my sleep. Then not exercising can mean that I eat more because I am bored.
Yes, this is all true, but in this case the OP has clearly stated the difference with this scenario and before ("Normally being the sixes") is a higher than normal carb meal.
Yes, this is all true, but in this case the OP has clearly stated the difference with this scenario and before ("Normally being the sixes") is a higher than normal carb meal.
The only thing the OP mentioned was higher than normal carb meal. Many people don’t realise about all the other things which can affect BG in addition to what they eat so don’t mention them.
And then there are things which are different which they are not aware of such as the precursor to a cold or not sleeping as well after drinking.
It may be the pasta but I think it remiss not to educate forum members about the complexities of things that affect BG.
I appreciate the OP does not have Type 1, but a good illustration of this is the possibility of insulin pens not working properly and how it can explain a high after the fourth covid jab rather than the jab itself.
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