Higher in the morning

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Sorry another newbie question, I've brought a blood glucose monitor (one that someone on here recommended) until I see the diabetic nurse. I've been doing it a couple of days now. Last night before bed it was 6.5 (the lowest it's been) this morning it was 9! Why does it go up while I'm sleeping.

Thanks x
My BG is often higher on waking than it was the night before, even though I'm testing within minutes of getting up. How soon after waking did you test?
My BG is often higher on waking than it was the night before, even though I'm testing within minutes of getting up. How soon after waking did you test?
Pretty soon, I'd say within 5 minutes no more then 10
Yes, I am high in the morning always. Dawn phenomen or just liver dump. I find my lowest point before lunch and that usually gives me a better idea how my HbA1C is doing it would be through the roof if I believed the morning one. Also if you do not eat breakfast it climbs up too if you are like me that is. I think I would be inclined to get my pattern and work on that.
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