higher blood sugar levels in cold weather ?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
May I ask if other Forum members who are on medication only are noticing slightly raised levels in their fasting blood sugar tests ? I have been running in the 6.5 and above and feeling quite pleased with myself but, over the last fortnight or so, I am coming in at 7.4 up to 8.4 fasting.

Obviously I am less active at present - mostly staying indoors as I'm retired and lucky not to have to go out onto the slippery pavements - and I am eating "winter comfort food" like stews, cottage pies, baked apples etc. but I wondered if anyone else on medication only regime has noticed this too or whether I should start looking for another reason than the cold weather ?
Hi Faith, it does look as though the medication might not be working as well in you - that may have something to do with the seasonal changes. It suggests that your pancreas is not as able to counteract the glucose released by your liver during the night.

Personally, my levels are actually somewhat lower recently - I was in the 5.x, and now I'm in the mid 4s and haven't changed my background insulin. I'm also going lower during the day and having hypos which suggests my ratios have changed. I really expected my insulin requirements to increase, bu it seems they've gone down!
Thanks a bunch Alan ! You are, of course, telling me exactly what the hospital Consultant said would happen aboout a year down the line after I was diagnosed (Oct/Nov 2008 so I am doing quite well really putting off the evil day !).

I was quite cross last week - I had an appointment to see my usual wonderful DSN but she was off sick (how inconvenient of her !) and so I saw another nurse in the Diabetic Clinic. I told her of my concerns and showed her my BS diary. She said 7.3 and 7.4 fasting levels she would be happy to see in any of her patients and to counteract the Xmas foods I'd "obviously" been indulging in (I really hadn't) "go for a brisk walk". She then said I was too old to be late onset (I told her I was LADA) then asked how I thought my Consultant knew I was LADA - I said because of the GAD antibodies and the C-peptide tests but she was unconvinced, said I was Type 2 and would always be so !

I made a note of her name - to avoid in the future - and wrote a note to my nice Nurse asking for the Consultant's previous letters to be scanned onto my notes as, when I transferred from my previous Dr after our house move, they hadn't been. She later rang to say the notes DID show I was LADA and therefore to them I was to be treated as an "evolving Type 1" (which was on my Consultant's previous letters to them). I felt slightly happier but am seeing her after HbA1c in early February when I'll go over it all again. Otherwise I'm seeing the Hospital chap in August and we'll have to take it from there unless things move along more quickly on the levels front.

Thanks for your input - as always useful, old Boy........
Hi im meds only and im finding my levels are higher at the moment maybe the flu im suffering aint helping me much either.. i was sitting nicely on between 6/8 and now im getting nearer 9/2 9/4
Hi Faith, oh dear, sounds like you found another one of those 'know-it-all' nurses who is perhaps a bit behind the times with her knowledge! To suggest that she would be happy to see levels in the 7s and 8s when people should be striving for below 6.5 is not encouraging. I read that they used to let people run higher levels because, although it probably put them at greater risk, it meant they didn't have to try so hard to control their diabetes. That is not what should still be promoted.
Are you on maxmum oral meds yet?

Your increased readings are are probably due to either continued beta cell failure or decreased exercise.
If your A1c is up in Feb and your fasting readings are still not getting below 7's most of the time then it might be worth considering a small dose of basal insulin.
I know my numbers are a little higher, I have been compensating for the cold and trying to stay in the warm places...
Are you on maxmum oral meds yet?

Your increased readings are are probably due to either continued beta cell failure or decreased exercise. .

I can double the gliclazide 'cos I'm on 80 mg morning and the same at night. I started on 160 mg mornings and 80 night and had hypos mid-morning so we took it down to half that in the morning. Slow release Metformin at night 1500 mg - don't know if I can go higher than that - will await advice after my next blood test but I fear you are right, insulin is the next required step (but not yet please ! - you will recall what a whimp I am !).
You can go up to 2000mg of the metofrmin slow release, and 160mg twice daily of the gliclazide. So you do still have some milage on the oral meds yet before insulin is definatly needed.
You can go up to 2000mg of the metofrmin slow release, and 160mg twice daily of the gliclazide. So you do still have some milage on the oral meds yet before insulin is definatly needed.

Thanks for that at least. I know it's inevitable sometime but when I do my first injection, will you hold my hand !?! (at least from a distance).😱
Thanks for that at least. I know it's inevitable sometime but when I do my first injection, will you hold my hand !?! (at least from a distance).😱

Of course, will have to be from a distance though or you'll have no free hand to pinch up with 😉
Hi im meds only and im finding my levels are higher at the moment maybe the flu im suffering aint helping me much either.. i was sitting nicely on between 6/8 and now im getting nearer 9/2 9/4

Hi Stef, didn't realise you're feeling poorly at present. Hope you are soon feeling more like your usually perky self ..... sending hugs🙂
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