Higher Accu-Check result after longer wait?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi guys. I've had this once before when I had to leave the pricked blood on my finger for a good few minutes before testing. This morning I got a result of 8.9 - I'm a type 2, healthy diet and gym most days so usually get 5-7. I took a while before testing the blood though as I forgot the canister needed changing so had to do that first. A careful, quicker retest after washing with warm water gave a more usual 7.0.

Can leaving the blood like that for a few minutes give somewhat of a false reading? It's an AccuCheck Compact Plus.
Hi Pete, welcome to the forum 🙂 Have to say that I've never actually delayed by much more than a couple of seconds after pricking my finger. The strips are pretty sensitive though, so I imagine leaving the blood exposed to the air might have some detrimental effect on the result. It's also possible to get quite different results from different fingers sometimes - I've had three different readings from three different fingers all taken within a few seconds of each other!
hiya and welcome to the forum 🙂 i have had the same issue....and it seems the longer you leave the blood on your finger the higher the result...but then i have found also if you test on both hands one after the other there is also a difference
Yes it delaying the test and leaving the blood on the finger will alter the result...

The basics of the test strip it measures the density of glucose in a blood sample, by using a chemical that reacts with glucose, which causes a residence/electric current then sends back to the meter a electrical current the stronger the current the higher the reading...

Blood collagulates (sp) very quick thicking to seal the cut/punture wound this will effect it's density effecting the blood glucose reading..

Same has if you've washed your hands but haven't dried them fully, the moisture can thin the blood causing a false lower reading...
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