High sugars early pregnancy

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I’m type 1 diabetic and found out yesterday I’m nearly 5 weeks pregnant for the first time.
Planned and therefore taking high dose of folic acid and trying to eat as low carb as possible.
For the last week or so, even before knowing, I cannot bring my sugars down.
I use dexcom and tandem and have really upped all my amounts of insulin but I still had blood sugars of 14 during the night.

I’m very concerned and have an appointment with DSN in 2 days, but just wondered if others needed this much insulin in the beginning of the pregnancy?

Is there anything else I need to look out for, make sure I’m doing please?

Thank you.

Very anxious first time mum!
Don’t panic @AliciaE I had exactly the same thing happen to me in my last pregnancy at the same stage. I increased my basal cautiously and it sorted it. This stage doesn’t last too long, but I know how stressful it can be. I also corrected when necessary.

One thing - baby and you need carbs. You don’t have to eat low carb during pregnancy. In fact, that in itself can cause highs because it causes a form of insulin resistance. Eat a normal, nutritious diet. You’ll also need lots of carbs for breastfeeding, so you want to keep your sensitivity normal.

If you’re happy to post your Dexcom graph here, we can take a look. Also, what do you have your Dexcom high and low alarms set at?
I can't add to any advice @Inka has already given.

Congratulations and this is completely normal. Actually there isn't really a normal in a T1 pregancy you will work it out and then it will change again, be ready for this, you can do it. It is about how you react to it.

I would personally eat more carbs, you need the engery, and stored enegry, your body is busier than normal.

Take care
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