High sugar levels on diagnosis

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When I was diagnoed (completely out of the blue) I was at 66.8. I was just wondering if this was average or not, and if anyone else has had ongoing issues like retinopathy & neuropathy as a result?
Wow that sounds very high Alan. I was 12.2 when I was diagnosed 12 months ago and that worried me. I havent had any problems as yet with my eyes or my feet. I do try to keep my blood sugars as low as possible. I also lost over a stone in weight which helped a lot too!
My sugars were around 26 when i was diagnosed. Think i picked up early on my symptoms though. But i must admit yours did seem quite high!
66.8? 😱 Wow, that must be a record! I was a 'mere' 31 when diagnosed, and felt awful in the fortnight before visiting the doc's
I was initially tested in a pharmacy and was above the maximum reading on themeter they used, think I was somewhere in the high 30s when tested at the doctors. First a1c was 13
Over 100!

Over 100 - the meter didn't read any higher and in a coma for just over three weeks! Given 6 hours in which I would live or die - depending on whether the insulin worked! That was 35 years ago though! Nowadays I think it is very unusual to go as high as you John! Surely you must have had months of symptoms??! I was 4 and all floppy - with no energy so naturally my Mom was pouring lucozade down me as fast as she could for months to get my energy levels up!
I was 37 mmol/l when diagnosed. At the time it meant nothing to me, and I didn't really know much about diabetes - just the usual misconceptions. Interestingly, I spent 8 days in hospital and as far as I'm aware no-one monitored my food intake. As I hadn't eaten for 5 days prior to admission (DKA - couldn't even hold water down), once my treatment started I was ravenous, even for hospital food (which was actually rather good, I'm pleased to say!). They took readings and I was nearly always over 20 after a meal - no idea if they were adjusting the insulin doses, although I was on intravenous most of the time, so maybe that works differently. My first HbA1c was 11.8.

Something good about being fed in hospital for those first few days was that I learned that diabetes placed very few limitations on diet - I think only the treacle pudding was off the menu for me!
I cant remember ever being told what mines was but it must have been pretty high i had DKA and within 2 months of being diagnosed i was finding my eyesight wasnt as good, i found out i had cataracts at the age of 18! I had to have 2 operations this year and now have to wear reading glasses but im just thankful it wasnt anything worse.
My doctor and diabetes nurse wouldn't tell me, they just said my blood sugar and cholesterol levels were 'berserk!'
Wow that is high! I was 22 I think, had felt really rough for about a week before going to the doctors and had been drinking lucozade to try and give myself some energy which probably didn't help. Finally went to the doc because I couldn't get enough to drink.....which was unusual for me, couldn't even walk to school with the kids without taking a drink because I felt so thirsty and the final straw came when I woke up on Easter Sunday but my vision was so blurred I couldn't even see out of the windows. I'd already worked out what was wrong when I went to the docs but didn't want to believe it, how could something so life changing come on so quickly???
My first hba1c test was around 9. The doctor said they sometimes get people coming in with readings of 20. Are you sure it is 66?
The 66.8 was the reading when I was first taken in to A&E and then intensive care. My first HbA1c was 6.6 which was easy to get to as I was home and only had the diabetes to worry about. Now I'm back at work and living again, the last one was 8.8, my next is due in December.
Wondered why I was losing weight. Thought the thyroxin had overboosted my metabolic rate.
Practice nurse checkd for glucose when she did the other venous test at my two weekly INR test.
Well spotted!!! Two days later my GP asked me to come to the surgery and recheck a venous sample. Level came back > 31%
Diabetic clinic tested HbAc1 four weeks ago and it was only 13.9% retest early Feb when they are hoping for about 7.0 - 7.5%
Bg levels between 4 and 10 mmol/L depending on pre or post food and after gliclazide.

Slowly finding causes of elevated levels. In my case it's too much bread at any one session:(
I was not high only about 7, as I had been impaired glucose tolerence for for 4years , I was having annual blood test.
Average Blood Sugars

Heya everyone!
My blood sugars were around 30 when i was first diagnosed 11 months ago...
I thought that was bad.. 🙂 No don't worry.. really.. They will come down eventually as your insulin starts to work.. My last HBa1c was 5.. have u had yours yet?

It feels good to talk to someone at last!

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25.6 on Sunday at diagnosis in hospital.

Wow, 60 odd seems mental and over 100 crazy. I felt like death warmed up Sunday, so goodness alone knows how you two were.
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