High sugar level but hypo symptoms

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
After eating yesterday (salad and veg soup) my level was 15.3...but i felt hypo.i only bought the monitor yesterday as ive felt hypo for weeks but eating hasnt helped. Called doc...he said he had no idea why i felt like this. My hba1c level is 6
You won't feel a 'hypo' with a level of 15.3, hypo is low blood sugar. High blood sugar can have similar symptoms, though, I believe.

Did you wash your hands and try again? It might have been a rogue reading.
If your hands were clean then sounds more like you had symptoms of high blood sugar. They can feel similar to some people.
After eating yesterday (salad and veg soup) my level was 15.3...but i felt hypo.i only bought the monitor yesterday as ive felt hypo for weeks but eating hasnt helped. Called doc...he said he had no idea why i felt like this. My hba1c level is 6

Always wash your hands and re-test when you get an ‘off’ reading. As said above, sometimes symptoms of being high (15.3 is high) can feel a bit like a hypo.
If you run high for a protracted period then when you start to run lower (i.e. closer to normal) you can feel like you have low blood sugar. This is more the "jelly legs" feeling and fatigue rather than the other things that are specific to proper low blood glucose (such as lack of muscle coordination, and real troubles with logic, though even these don't always manifest when you're low, different every time all adds to the fun). So I'd say this is quite normal if you've run high for a while.

The other thing you may be feeling is the change in blood glucose, even if high, a large drop can be felt even if you're not yet anywhere being low.

(Your signature says you're at risk of diabetes, so I don't know how well the above will apply, nor whether you know what a hypo actually feels like?)
Welcome to the forum @Brica

Sorry to hear about the hypo-like symptoms you experienced. At high levels the symptoms can sometimes seem to overlap - with extreme hunger (as your body can tell it isn’t able to access the energy from digested carbs with the glucose trapped in your bloodstream), and sometime I find I get some trembliness and anxiety too.

But yes, I agree with others, it’s always worth rechecking if your sensations and feelings don’t match your meter reading - it may have been a duff strip, or you may have had something on your fingers?
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