High School Staff Training

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Relationship to Diabetes
Just wondering how other parents cope with a Type 1 at High School. Has the school given its staff training on hypos and what to do? What guidelines have staff been given (if any)? Are you bothered if staff don't know your child is diabetic? I know primary school care is patchy - my daughter's school staff have all recieved training on what to do and are fab at looking after her. I'm concerned because I know her High School haven't had any training other than the leaflet about hypos and what to do, that diabetes uk recommend is given to all staff.
I think nursery school training is patchy too. I was talking to one very upset mum who was refused a place to local nursery on the grounds of her childs diabetes.

Luckily I was able to supply both her and the nursery with relevant places to obtain information and she was a bit happier. She will be going to the local LEA to complain too.
Unfortunately we live in a society which is becoming more and more litigation aware.
Former medical colleagues were advised that when off duty to avoid being a 'Samaritan' as some had been sued for wrong medical treatment. This was forty years ago and the situation has become progressively worse.
I would never walk away personally, but do have some sympathy with the attitude of others.
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