High reading post lunch

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,
Am doing a week of before meal and after testing.
Have just had lentil and bacon soup and mixed seed wholegrain bread x 1 slice for lunch.

2 questions:

1) Why has my sugar shot to 9.5. I thought my lunch was good and is well within GDA guidleines?

2) I guess that totally confirms I am diabetic (still a little in denial) as a non-diabetic wouldn't get this level would they?

Sorry for so many repetitive questions - I will get it one day!
Hi Lucy, can't answer your questions, but please don't appologise for asking questions. How ever repetetive you think they are, if you need to know you need to know and the only way to know is to ask. Keep on asking and someone is sure to answer all of your questions one way or another!
Im no type 2 expert, but there are carbs in the soup and the bread.....

all be it slower release carbs in the bread......

what were you before lunch..........
5.4 before lunch - sorry forgot to put that bit.
As a type 1 that would be the natural thing to happen but a type 2 it depends......

What medication are you on?
I am not on any medication - just diet and exercise which I am being excellent at.
I thought we were to try and keep our levels as close to 7 as possible and not over 8.5?
Lucy - that would be a typical lunch for me in the early stages after my diagnosis. Through testing, I've found that I'm completely fine with lentil and bacon soup so I can carry on with that, but it's the bread that sends me high, regardless of whether it's brown, white or granary.

Maybe test on the soup alone without the bread and see what that does?

The only time I've found that I can tolerate bread is when I have the odd slice or two as part of a much larger meal involving a starter, main course and dessert (which is cheese these days) when I'm eating out - with nothing carby in the main meal. The bread seems to get lost in the mix and doesn't spike me, but only in those circumstances.
It might be a rogue reading, a one off.........

As I keep saying im no type 2 expert but if your sugars are rising then dropping them with only diet and excercise is a long term goal........how long have you been type 2...........

I suppose you could say I am as confused as you are!!
Thanks Cliff - that does make sense re the carbs.
Only issue is I don't know what else to have for lunch if there isn't any carbs! I am also concerned that if don't have the carbs won't have enough energy to do the exercise i do each night. Any suggestions anyone on what to have instead? I have spiked on jacket potato too.

Rapid - have been type 2 since june 10.

I am concerned I may get put on meds at my next appt this month - is that unlikely?
I would of thought that going on some pills would be good, so that you can have carbs in moderation.........like bread and rice etc, the ones you want for energy.......

That might not be what you want..........maybe get some advice from the dietician on what would be best to eat with your excercising.....

June diagnosis, not very long then..........still got a lot of experimenting to do with foods.......which is the good bit....then you need to cut out all your favourites.......:(
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Thanks Cliff - that does make sense re the carbs.
Only issue is I don't know what else to have for lunch if there isn't any carbs! I am also concerned that if don't have the carbs won't have enough energy to do the exercise i do each night. Any suggestions anyone on what to have instead? I have spiked on jacket potato too.

Lunch is a tough one as it always seems to involve something wrapped in bread. I'm not brave enough to have a baked potato - that's on my no-no list! I tend to have cold meats and cheeses, olives, that sort of thing. Sometimes a chicken or bacon and avocado salad.

Having almost completely cut out bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and cereals, I find that I have bags of energy - in fact, I feel as fit as I was as a teenager and, if truth be told, I'm probably fitter than I was then. I try to do a couple of gym sessions a week and a swim as well and have no energy problems whatsoever.
Hi Lucy

I have been diagnosed 10 years now and on max Metformin but went on to Byetta last October. I think that the right balance is a truly personal thing and I think that what you are doing with a testing phase is a really good idea.

I did this myself - which is why I think it is a good idea😉 - a couple of months back as my BS had come down well on the Byetta but I wanted to tweak it a bit and see if lower carbs would help -plus bread, my staple lunchtime meal, made me feel bloated in the afternoon.

For me, cutting carbs at brekkie (used to have Weetabix or wholemeal toast - recommended by DSN) lowered my levels a bit then the next week I cut out the bread and took lower carb crispbreads instead and again they came down. My DSN confirmed that 2 hours after eating your levels should be at their highest and start to fall so if you take the level again at 3 hours it could make a big difference.

I wouldn't worry too much as long as you don't hit more than 8 too often - maybe you could try cutting the carbs a bit - how about some crispbreads if you have the soup. I do find lunches a pain - I don't often fancy much now I am on Byetta but know that if I don't eat I will want to raid the biscuit tin a few hours later so I compromise with a bit of what I fancy to go with a bit of what I don't, if you see what I mean! How are you with eggs - I can't face them for brekkie without a slice of toast under them, but one day I got so desperate for lunch I made an omlette (tiny smear of oil on pan) and a bit of chopped up ham - boy did I enjoy that!
Hi All,
Am doing a week of before meal and after testing.
Have just had lentil and bacon soup and mixed seed wholegrain bread x 1 slice for lunch.

2 questions:

1) Why has my sugar shot to 9.5. I thought my lunch was good and is well within GDA guidleines?

2) I guess that totally confirms I am diabetic (still a little in denial) as a non-diabetic wouldn't get this level would they?

Sorry for so many repetitive questions - I will get it one day!

Don't worry about it. A rise in blood glucose happens to all humans after an intake of carbs, be they diabetic or not. The severity of the rise is dependent upon many factors which I dare not even begin to ponder.

hello Lucy, i too was like yourself to start with and experimented with food - it takes time but you will get to know your BS friendly foods. I know that naan bread, garlic bread are no no's for me. I only have basmati rice (25g dry weight) and wholemal pasta (37g dry weight). I have had to experiment with the weights in order to get a decent reading but i can still enjoy these foods, just a lot less of them.
Thanks all - maybe I am worrying over nothing.
Will try and cut the carbs a bit more this week and see what happens.
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