High morning readings

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My night time readings have always stayed pretty constant and level, but this last week they have become very high at 20 when I wake up for no reason at all, am not sick and otherwise feel fine, i have done nothing different the evening before, would anyone know why this could happen?
Welcome @Brontebree 🙂 The first thing to try is swapping your basal insulin to a new cartridge. Occasionally insulin degrades and becomes less effective. This has happened to me before - my insulin suddenly seemed to become ‘weak’.

Secondly, could it be poor absorption? Check your injection sites. Thirdly, could you be going low earlier in the night and then having a high because of that (where the body pumps out glucose to counteract the low)?

Finally, are you under any stress; started any new meds; sure you’re not going down with an illness; changed anything about your daily routine at all?

How long have you been diagnosed?
Thank you for replying, firstly I’ve been Diabetic for over 40 yrs, I did change to another batch of insulins both my fast Novorapid and long acting Lantus,plus needles, I’ve never had such problems before occasionally I get a unknown reading, I can usually quickly get it down, but this week it’s gone really bad, I usually inject my short acting in the stomach, but now wondering if I need to move the site my long acting goes either side of my thigh, do you know how long insulin stays fresh in a fridge? I will see how it goes this weekend then if it doesn’t improve I will phone my Diabetic specialist nurse. Thank you.
@Brontebree sorry to read of your problems.,
It's a long shot but have you had your covid booster or flu jab recently? The jabs seem to be affecting blood sugars in every way possible - some higher, some lower and some no effect.

May also be worthwhile doing a covid test - you may have no symptoms but your body could be doing a grand job fighting it off with a little help from a liver glucose dump.

Regarding how long insulin stays fresh in the fridge, it has a best before date on it. As I have a pump, I have spare pen cartridges in the fridge which last for over a year.
Hi and yes the have had both flu and booster about three to four weeks ago but didn’t have any problems at that time, but now am wondering as it’s taken affect now if this is a problem that has arisen, am going to order a new batch of insulins this afternoon after talking to my doctor.
It could be the whole batch of insulin @Brontebree I had a dodgy pack of basal cartridges once. They looked fine and were in date but had lost some effectiveness. A new lot worked so much better. I don’t know how long they’re supposed to last in the fridge but the dodgy ones were a few months old.

I hope you get it sorted soon. It’s so frustrating when something like this happens. Try a new body area too. When I had absorption issues, the body area just stopped work very quickly. I couldn’t believe it and it took me two or three weeks to work out what it was.
It could be the whole batch of insulin @Brontebree I had a dodgy pack of basal cartridges once. They looked fine and were in date but had lost some effectiveness. A new lot worked so much better. I don’t know how long they’re supposed to last in the fridge but the dodgy ones were a few months old.

I hope you get it sorted soon. It’s so frustrating when something like this happens. Try a new body area too. When I had absorption issues, the body area just stopped work very quickly. I couldn’t believe it and it took me two or three weeks to work out what it was.
Thank you, I have today changed to another batch, also had a walk, it’s come down to 15 now so I have this morning started to use another injection site, I will see how it goes, and like you say so frustrating! It’s like balancing a ballon in the air
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