High levels

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello everybody!

Back from my adventure last week - photies to follow. Whale of a time. Up to 1.500m ascent a day, lots of miles. Ate up to 2 packets of fig biscuits a day, no insulin until the evening meal, levels tending around 7-8 (higher than normal because I was on my own, mountain-walking - I didn't stop much though or else it went too high! - grazing rather than meals).

Now of course, I'm back to work (for a week now) and having a real job keeping my levels down - think my ratios have changed enormously. Woke up this morning with BG of 10! - which is unheard of for me. Making me grumpy and stressed. 9, 10, 12 are becoming as regular as the low readings. At least once a day, it takes 2 or 3 correction doses after a meal.

On top of that, I keep feeling as if I'm having a hypo and test to find it's at 6 or something.

Is this normal post-extreme-exercise comedown? - had been half-blaming calibration of meter but tested it against the one at work and it's not that.

Any ideas very welcome from anyone who's still reading!

Sounds like a cracking time Lizzie, jealous!

No idea about what is normal after such activities, just keep an eye on it and I'm sure you'll sort your ratios etc out in no time

Looking forward to seeing the snaps

Rossi 🙂
So pleased you had such a great time Lizzzie! Sorry to hear about the levels though - I'd feel exactly the same if my waking levels jumped to double figures! 😱 Very strange given that you should be so much more insulin sensitive after all that exertion :confused: Maybe your body has grown used to the exercise and is expecting it ?

Sounds like a basal adjustment is in order until things settle.
Glad to hear you had a great time away. Sorry about your BG levels. I hope they come down for you.
I have similar issues after a weeks skiing. I usual forgoe carbs at lunch while I am skiing and yet when I return to home/work again it is almost as though my body has adpated to not having lunch time carbs and levels are rasied for about a week post return. I usualy juggle an increased pre lunch dosage for the first few days and reduce in small amounts over the week.
Simple answer, yes, I often need to re-adjust my basal levels after periods of extended exercise eg mountain walking every day, followed by normal routine of just cycling up to 5 miles per day and walking up to 2 miles; odd runs are easier to take account of. Also, change of routine can mean changes in stress levels - holidays may be relatively stress-less, compared to work. So, lots ot take into consdieration - sorry, not easy answers.
I usually find talking about holidays with people who want to know and understand what I'm on about, helps me. If they don't understand what 1500m ascent per day means, then it's not going to work. So, looking forward to hearing about your trek. 🙂
Thanks folks!

Proper update on trek to follow, but no computer at the mo - borrow other people's.....

Looknig very busy here (or did someone say that already)?

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