High HBa1c

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I have had type 2 Diabetes for 17 years ranging from diet controlled to medication controlled currrntly on Metformin and stiglatipin for the last 12 years. My recent HBa1c result is 96 i have booked my review what would that result suggest as it’s way higher than I have ever had before

Hi I have had type 2 Diabetes for 17 years ranging from diet controlled to medication controlled currrntly on Metformin and stiglatipin for the last 12 years. My recent HBa1c result is 96 i have booked my review what would that result suggest as it’s way higher than I have ever had before

It would suggest that even with that combination the medication is not able to cope with the amount of carbohydrate in your diet.
Has something changes in what you are eating, your level of exercise, have you had an infection, have you had Covid, are you taking steroid, have you lost weight or put on weight.
It could be anything really
Hi I have lost over a stone in weight I have lowered my alcohol consumption but no real dietary changes or illness thanks
Hi I have lost over a stone in weight I have lowered my alcohol consumption but no real dietary changes or illness thanks
When oral medications and low carbohydrate diet are not working and people have lost weight if they didn't need to or without effort then that can suggest people are not Type 2 but are a late onset Type 1 (LADA). That would be worth keeping in mind when you go for your review and asking for further tests GAD antibodies and c-peptide which checks how much insulin you are producing.
Welcome to the forum @Zeurss

Sorry to hear your HbA1c has been rising of late. Diabetes does sometimes progress over the years, so it may be that your meds and your menu could do with a bit of an overhaul?

Hope you have a successful review and you get offered some effective options to consider 🙂
Thank you very much as you say it feels like the meds needs a thorough looking at as they aren’t as effective as they used to be or my condition has changed thanks again
Thank you very much as you say it feels like the meds needs a thorough looking at as they aren’t as effective as they used to be or my condition has changed thanks again
Perhaps you would like to give some examples of the meals you have and somebody may spot some foods which may be causing a problem.
Do you have a home monitor so you can test the effect that your meals have on your blood glucose as that may give some clues and also provide some evidence for your GP who can see that despite your best efforts with your diet there is still a problem.
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