High HbA1C levels

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marina winter

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Some advice please - my son has recently had a blood test. His HbA1C level was 74.
He’s a type 1 levels been reasonably steady for the last few weeks, more steady than they have ever been but he’s now been told the high levels shows poor diabetes management.
How do we manage to lower this level?
By aiming to stay in range as much as possible @marina winter If his control has only just improved, it may be that he can just carry on what he’s doing now, as this HbA1C would have included the last 3 months so possibly when he wasn’t so controlled.
He’s a type 1 levels been reasonably steady for the last few weeks, more steady than they have ever been

That’s brilliant @marina winter

Please don’t let him be discouraged :(

Has he been wearing a continuous sensor? Does he have an estimate of Time In Range that he can watch over week, fortnight, month, 60days 90days ?

I find that a helpful way to see which way my levels are moving over time.

The international consensus guidelines suggest aiming for less than 4% below 4.0 (as low as possible) and ideally 20-25% above 10.

He may be able to use his TIR to get a more nuanced view f how things have been improving.

Then it’s just a matter of experimenting with dose timing, ratios, and correction factors to try to get each dose to bring his BG levels towards mid-range after the 5 hours that the dose is active.

It’s an ongoing process, so will need stickability, and determination. Plus not overreacting to stubborn high BGs and risking plunging into a hypo after a “rage bolus”.
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