High Glucose levels


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi All Hubby (Type 3C) has had very high glucose levels for a few days now, contacted Diabetic team who told him to take some more Insulin asap as finger prick went over 20 to get reduction, OK did that but again today higher than normal around 14 when usually 9-10, no change in diet, but he is having pains in abdomen which he was admitted to hospital before as a result of necrotic pancreatitis, hence the type 3C
Anyone think the infection/glucose levels are linked? Have started him on our rescue pack of antibiotics and will contact Dr in morning
Really sorry to hear your husband is feeling unwell and perhaps heading for another bout of pancreatitis.
Yes indeed, raised BG levels can often be an early indicator of an infection as the liver releases more glucose into the blood stream to give the body energy to fight the infection... or at least that is how I understand it.
Do you have a copy of sick day rules when using insulin through illness? It gives a pathway/flow chart for deciding how and when to increase insulin doses and to test for ketones.
Do you have Ketostix to dip in his urine or blood ketone strips that work in a dual BG/ketone meter? You need to check for ketones when his levels are persistently mid teens or above.

If you don't have a copy of "Sick Day Rules" please say so and someone will post a copy of theirs.
Hi All Hubby (Type 3C) has had very high glucose levels for a few days now, contacted Diabetic team who told him to take some more Insulin asap as finger prick went over 20 to get reduction, OK did that but again today higher than normal around 14 when usually 9-10, no change in diet, but he is having pains in abdomen which he was admitted to hospital before as a result of necrotic pancreatitis, hence the type 3C
Anyone think the infection/glucose levels are linked? Have started him on our rescue pack of antibiotics and will contact Dr in morning
Hi Cosmic,
Sorry to hear of your Hubbys current situation and Barbara has covered much of the detail in her response.
Having been on a very similar journey I fully appreciate how sensitive your hubby will be to any abdominal pains but I really would get those checked out as a matter of urgency just to be on the safe side in case of any further pancreatic issues.
It is a judgement call based on severity of pain and precise location so upper or lower abdomen but I would get it checked out with GP or local hospital
Thanks think it's splenic colitis which is what hospital said last time he was admitted all from the necrotic pancrreatiis
he now has very little pancreas left they gave him emergency antibiotics which we have started also asking GP in morning and he has an appointment with diabetic team tomorrow
Just want to get sorted as we going to Australia next week!!
So sorry to hear about your husband’s infection @Cosmic

Hope the ABs do the trick, and he is able to use insulin to manage his glucose levels in the meantime.

All the best with your trip to Aus!
Hello there @Cosmic.Sad to read of your Husbands terrible infection.My fiencees father has suffered from pancrreatiis as well and was very lucky to make a full recovery from it...so I hope and pray your husband recovers from it as well.
Thanks all hopefully all will be sorted before we go. Son has been wanting us to visit for years but covid then illness stopped us just want to get there now and see him x
Thanks think it's splenic colitis which is what hospital said last time he was admitted all from the necrotic pancrreatiis
he now has very little pancreas left they gave him emergency antibiotics which we have started also asking GP in morning and he has an appointment with diabetic team tomorrow
Just want to get sorted as we going to Australia next week!!
Ok Cosmic please disregard my comments if you already think you have a diagnosis for the abdominal pain and if you are seeing the medical folk in the morning you can discuss any concerns.
Hope you get everything sorted for your trip
Really sorry to hear your husband is feeling unwell and perhaps heading for another bout of pancreatitis.
Yes indeed, raised BG levels can often be an early indicator of an infection as the liver releases more glucose into the blood stream to give the body energy to fight the infection... or at least that is how I understand it.
Do you have a copy of sick day rules when using insulin through illness? It gives a pathway/flow chart for deciding how and when to increase insulin doses and to test for ketones.
Do you have Ketostix to dip in his urine or blood ketone strips that work in a dual BG/ketone meter? You need to check for ketones when his levels are persistently mid teens or above.

If you don't have a copy of "Sick Day Rules" please say so and someone will post a copy of theirs.
Thanks don't think its pancreatitis as last time they said splenetic colitis as there is a fissure between what is left (not much though) of the pancreas and the bowel? diabetic team asked about Ketones we have the strips but unfortunately the reader we have is not compatible which we thought it was they are sending a new one, must say our diabetic clinic in Norwich (Elsie Bertram) is very good