High Glucose levels

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All, my glucose levels went up after lunch yesterday and they haven't come back down , even with bolus and correction doses , I may as well be injecting water. Its quite a new pen I am using , but am thinking of trying a new one when I get up later. I'm not feeling poorly or anything, any ideas ??
Definitely try a new pen @Martin62 Also, check your injection sites and choose more carefully than you usually would. Which basal do you take? Could you have forgotten it? I’d change my basal cartridge/pen too.

Finally, and depressingly, there are a couple of nasty viruses around. One is a flu-y cold and the other is a weird norovirus. For the latter, I had a day or two of raised sugars beforehand. I hope it’s not an illness and simply a dodgy pen. I find once I go high even with good insulin it can take a while to get everything back down into a normal range.
Once again, great advice from @Inka
The only thing I would add is that we become insulin resistant when our levels get high aso the correction factor may need to be increased but also basal may not be enough until levels are lowered so.it feels as if levels keep on rising
I had this on Sunday after a special fish and chip lunch. It took 6 hours and lots of stacked corrections to get it back down. I just keep hitting it with bolus insulin until it comes down and have the JBs handy for when the insulin eventually kicks in. How high are you and for how long?
Hi All , thanks for the replies and good advice.
Basal insulin seems ok as levels reduced while I slept and woke up to a steady line at 6.1.
Used my current pen for breakfast bolus and will see how it goes, if it seems to have no effect I will definitely change it.
At my highest yesterday was 13 , but hovered around 11 for most of the time.
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