High fasting level

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
After a few weeks of testing it seems that I have a fairly high fasting BG, 6.9 or thereabouts.
Two hours after eating an average meal (for me), my level is around 5.8.
Any suggestions for approaches to specifically lowering fasting levels, or is it a holistic process whereby if I keep sticking to the diet style, exercise, etc, all levels should reduce.
The other part of this question is that I have been sticking to a fairly narrow eating window. Given that my fasting level is quite high, I'm unsure as to whether this is a good thing? If I am not eating for 16+ hours, would that not mean that during that time my bg would be quite high. IE at my fasting level?
Just wondering if a small low carb early morning snack might be an idea.
Is that fasting reading a morning reading?
Is that fasting reading a morning reading?
Tends to be some time before I eat. I've tried first thing, mid morning, and just before I eat at around 1.30pm. All are higher than 6.0, normally just under or just over 7.0.
My A1C is 49, so not great, but not too bad. I was 118 when I was diagnosed.
Tends to be some time before I eat. I've tried first thing, mid morning, and just before I eat at around 1.30pm. All are higher than 6.0, normally just under or just over 7.0.
Morning readings for some people will remain stubbornly as they experience what is referred to as foot on the floor syndrome where the liver releases glucose to give your body energy to function in the absence of food so this could be the explanation for the slightly higher readings that you are expecting of 4-7mmol/l fasting or before meals but as long as your 2 hour post meal readings are below 8mmol/l then your HbA1C should start to come down more.
You have had a good reduction already so whatever you are doing is working well.
Many find testing in bed can pre-empt that FOTF quirk.
Interestingly my results today.
Just before eating. 6.9
Two hours after eating. 5,8.
Four hours after eating. 6.3.
Any thoughts?
Meters only have to be accurate within a certain range. This explains it better than I could:-

My A1C is 49, so not great, but not too bad. I was 118 when I was diagnosed.
So, the thing is that you are still in Diabetic range, so your readings will be higher than 'normal'

Key is to get HbA1c down to below Diabetic range then you'll see the results you need...

Great job on getting down from 118, that's a great achievement!
My A1C is 49, so not great, but not too bad. I was 118 when I was diagnosed.

That’s pretty good, in my opinion. Well done!

The readings aren't bad.
That’s pretty good, in my opinion. Well done!

The readings aren't bad.
I’d agree, I wasn’t saying it was bad…it’s very good indeed, just that readings might not quite be as wanted just yet that’s all - wasn’t trying to offend anyone…
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