High cholesterol

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, hope everyone is doing really well.
I was at my cf clinic today & they told me my cholesterol is high at 6 8. Its the first time I've ever been above 5. My good cholesterol is apparently amazing so the 6.8 could be overinflated as giving a false reading. At least that is what i think the Dr was saying.
They think if it is high, it's probably related to the fact that i have to eat high fat foods to take my drug kaftrio that require 20g fat twice daily & i have been using cream, full fat greek yogurt & cheese to take with my kaftrio & also to keep my weight up.
I'm starting simvastatin 20mg tomorrow & changing my anchor butter for low fat. Using extra virgin oil/rapeseed oil.
Does anyone take simvastatin & is it good in bringing down cholesterol & any ideas on how i can do it by diet without compromising my weight.
Good news on the diabetic front is that my hba1c has come down from 65 to 59.
Drs was pleased so I'm assuming 59mmol is a good hba1c.
Many thanks.
Statins have lots of trial evidence that show they drive down cholesterol levels, particularly LDL.

Are they thinking that since your HDL is so high (which will improve your ratios I think) that you can have a slightly easier target than the 4.0 that is usually suggested for people with diabetes?

Would oily fish and olive oil work to keep your fat content up? Nuts and seeds are also often mentioned as helpful sources here.

Well done on the HbA1c reduction. That’s great! I think the lower the better is the general approach for that measure. Ideally down near 48 or below. Onwards and downwards!
I found saturated fats pushed my cholesterol up, especially my LDL.
I found no problems taking statins.
Like @chaoticcar My cholesterol has been consistently reducing after significantly increasing my saturated fat intake from meat, dairy and nuts but I have dramatically reduced my carb intake at the same time and I think that may be a bigger factor rather than the fats I eat. The cholesterol we eat doesn't actually cross over into our blood stream as far as I understand but is manufactured by the body, so the relationship between ingested fats and blood cholesterol is not as clear cut as it was once believed. I think you also have to look at your risk factors with cholesterol and the balance of them, rather than just looking at an overall figure.

Unfortunately cholesterol is a very contentious issue (as are the statins which are prescribed to deal with it) and you need to do your own research and see what you are comfortable with. My GP, nurse and consultant have all said that I don't need statins despite my age (57), diabetes and my level of 5.2 at diagnosis (now 4.5) both of which are over the NICE guidance threshold of 4 for diabetics. I am happy with this advice and I have made no secret of the higher fat diet I eat. I am however fit and active and a normal BMI, so risk factor is reasonably low.
Does anyone use benecol butter & yogurt drinks please?
Due to my cf i have a huge appetite & I'm struggling & its only my first day completing cutting out high saturated foods.
I usually snack on crisps etc to keep my weight up.
Its really hard juggling the cf side of stuff, carbs & now high cholesterol. Couldn't i have just one problem please.
If anyone has time but i understand if you don't, could include some healthy food ideas?
And are crackerbreads ok to eat?
I'm so used to looking at high calorie foods that its strange going for low fat/low saturated foods.
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