High blood test results

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Hi All,

The last couple of days my bf has been struggling with his blood sugar levels and they seem to be running high most of the time - between 10-14. He has been reasonably active at work and hasn't eaten anything substantial, but they are still high. He was a bit run down towards the end of last week, quite literally burnt out I think and has a bit of an upset stomach - could this be causing this? He has an appointment at the doctors tomorrow about his foot and he will probably mention this as well. Nothing seems to be bringing it down....
Any form of illness generally causes levels to run higher, and they can run higher before you even know you're ill! The solution is to increase insulin doses and correct any highs to try and keep things from getting too high, but it can be tricky. Your bf needs to ask his nurse about 'Sick Day Rules' which is a set of guidelines to follow when ill. Hope it doesn't last long and he's doing better soon! 🙂 Certainly worth asking the doctor about. I think it's very difficult to estimate how much extra insulin - both fast and slow - you need. I know as I had a cold a couple of weeks ago!
Hi There,

Thanks for the reply. I think he is quite wary of increasing his insulin doses, as he suffers from 'crashes', when his sugar can drop very quickly once insulin has been taken. On Saturday, he had to have a choc bar, as he took a very reasonable amount of insulin and then dropped to 4.2, which is really quite low for him. Trying to keep things on an even keel is a nightmare, but I'm hoping that he will chill out over the next few days and get things back to normal. He also now has the telephone number for the diabetic nurse, so think he is going to try to get in touch with her to ask advice on a few things 🙂
It is very tricky. I tend to be very cautious but then get disappointed when my levels are still too high - I'd be one of the people who would think I got it perfectly right if I saw a 4.2! But we are all different - if he has been running levels that are generally higher than this then he would really feel a 4.2 although it would present any danger, just on the right side of low.
It sounds like it could be an illness brewing and his levels are being affected. If things stay the same for another few days it might be worth thinking about increasing the background insulin to accomodate the levels - but do check with the DSN first.🙂Bev
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