High Blood Sugers

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I registered a few days ago, feeling abit down. Not sure what I did wrong but I was in hospital overnight on Saturday. Maybe it was a combination of being tired. Up early Saturday due to next door being noisy and I have an allotment and spent approx 4 hours harvesting and weeding, took water and snacks and felt fine. Got home and late lunch and then meet some friends at the pub for birthday celebrations late afternoon.

Next thing I found myself feeling dizy and sick my sugars had gone up to 33. My husdand telephoned for an ambulance and I was put on a drip had a shot of insulin which took it to 28. They decided to admit me, I had oxygen as my heart was racing I could not remember my name or dob.

I was put on a ward with a drip and an insulin pump on slow until the next day Sunday. I then had a hypo droped to 3 and they changed my drip to a glucose bag and gave me toast. The GP discharged me on Sunday afternoon my sugars were 15 was told to take my backgroung insulin in the evening and fast acting when I had dinner.

I am so cross with myself was it a combination of being tired and doing to much and not enough to eat, my sugars were a little high on Saturday morning as I was at the allotment and thought the exercise would help. Not been to bad the last couple of days, just feel down and fed up as this has brought back negative feeling about being type1. Very scared

Hi Dawney,

I'm sorry to hear that you have been so unwell - it almost sounds like DKA if your sugars were that high. Do you know if you had ketones? Good that you got swift treatment. It's possible that you didn't have enough insulin circulating, and that might be why you were going high, or maybe had picked up a bug or infection. If your levels were high before you started on the allotment, sometimes exercise can send them even higher - always test before doing something strenuous. If mine are above 13 I don't do anything until they have come down a bit.

It can take a while, but you will learn to anticipate and deal with these odd occasions.

I've moved this to the General Messageboard, more people will see it there.🙂
Hi Dawney , sorry to hear you have been so unwell , it sounds like DKA , not nice at all . I hope you start to feel better soon , any questions or worries just ask and someone will be able to help or advise . 🙂🙂

Sounds like a horrible experience and very scary. When were you diagnosed? also I'm not sure if i'm right here but it sounds like you've not quite accepted being diabetic. It took me a good year to accept I hadn't dealt with my feelings around the diagnosis and to actually talk to anyone how I felt about it and how I was struggling to cope. You shouldn't be cross with yourself we all make mistakes with our blood sugar levels at least they've come back down a little again now thats the main thing.
Hi Emma
I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago, no real warning lost weight and felt tired and had major thurst, went to the doctoer and was diagnosed was type 1 and straight on to insulin 4 injections per day 3 fast action 1 evening, gutted. I do get down as I was 36 at the time and now have to be careful, had 36 years to eat and drink what ever I wanted. I think I do struggle with accepting this and I have found details in my area to join a group to get support and ideas. Also joining this has helped. I struggle with food and have a couple of diabetic cook books getting fed up with that. I don't get the carb counting maybe I will ask my nurse when I have my next check up. Thanks for you support
Dawney - there seems to be relatively little help for those who develop Type 1 diabetes as adults, perhaps because it is so rare (compared to developing T1 as a child, which is also much rarer than developing T2 as an adult). Carb counting and appropriate blood glucose testing definitely help eg before exercise / physical activity as well as related to meals etc - means you eat virtually whatever and whenever you want. I never did a course, as none was offered, but worked it out for myself. If DAFNE course is available locally, then worth asking about that - or look online at http://www.bdec-e-learning.com/
I know this won't help, but at least you started on basal bolus insulin, which offers more flexibility, rather than the older bimodal insulin regime, as I was when diagnosed aged 30 years, 12 years ago, although changed within a few months when I heard about basal bolus regime.
Hi Dawney,

I hope you feel better now. I'm sorry you were so poorly, but it is good you got help quickly.

You will be able to keep an eye on things and will know what's happening in the future.

We all get down with the diabetes thing, especially when something big happens. At least here you can share your experiences and someone will be able to help you through it.
I'd second Copepod's suggestion of a course such as dafne if you can access it. I can teach you a lot and give you some motivation too. When I did it ages ranged from 20 up to 66, all of us had had diabetes for varying amounts of time.
Don't blame yourself, diabetes can be a bit unpredictable at times and things can effect it (like the possiblibily of excercise raising, as well as lowering BG) that you may not even be aware of - not your fault. Glad you got help quickly, and I expect just your blood sugars going up and then down so much will make you feel emotional, so hope you're feeling a bit more like yourself now.
Hi Emma
I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago, no real warning lost weight and felt tired and had major thurst, went to the doctoer and was diagnosed was type 1 and straight on to insulin 4 injections per day 3 fast action 1 evening, gutted. I do get down as I was 36 at the time and now have to be careful, had 36 years to eat and drink what ever I wanted. I think I do struggle with accepting this and I have found details in my area to join a group to get support and ideas. Also joining this has helped. I struggle with food and have a couple of diabetic cook books getting fed up with that. I don't get the carb counting maybe I will ask my nurse when I have my next check up. Thanks for you support

Hey Dawny,

I can relate to your "Story" I was diagnosed last year and although I had symptons, I wasn't the typical ill person at diagnosis stage. Hence the GP was confused.

So yeah one friday I got home with needles and drugs to sort me out?! Nurse said she was tempted to send be to the hospital whatever that meant? But yeah the biggest thing was that I would eat and drink whatever the hell I fancied, and although this has been a bit of a wake up be healthy call, not ideal.

The nurse said that if I ever felt down I could go see someone, maybe it's something to consider if you're feeling a bit low regularly.

I have got a few good ideas off some of the threads on this website so dig around, ask questions etc etc.

Good luck with your good meetings, not sure about that myself! Well not yet.
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