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High blood sugars


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It's all going wrong!!! Have had type 1 for 7 years now and have always been really careful and have had excellent control, so good in fact that I had a baby in 2007 and my diabetic team said I'd done really well, she was 6lbs 7oz when she was born which was testiment to my low blood sugars during pregnancy. All of a sudden over the last few weeks my BS has gone through the roof and I can't seem to control it. I doubled the amount of insulin that I normally have with my evening meal last night and gave myself a higher dose of background insulin and still my BS this morning was 22.5!

Anyone got any ideas or advice as to why this might be happening. I presume I just need to be patient and work on calculating my carbs and giving myself higher doses of insulin until I'm back on track. It's just so frustrating and am feeling like I'm not in control!
Can you think of anything that has changed? have you reduced your activity levels? changed what type of foods you are eating? very stressed? could you be coming down with some infection? some people seem to have seasonal changes in their insulin needs.
have you tried changing your insulin, it may be that one of your insulins has gone bad?

You are right to be increasing your insulin to try and match need. I wonder if your DSN might be of any help and could offer further advice on where to make the increases.
I have had to pretty much double my insulin in past couple of weeks, no obvious reason, which is frustrating but seem to have got on top of it now.
Have you tried changing the cartridge, could it have gone off? Or maybe you need to rotate your injection site? Have you checked for ketones? I would ring your DSN if I were you.
Hi Alli,
Like the others have sugested check/change your insulin.
Both lots. Just to be on the safe side.
Are you also sure you are not coming down with an infection?
There are some wicked bugs going about at the moment :eek:
Are you also sure you are not coming down with an infection?
There are some wicked bugs going about at the moment :eek:

Yeah ive just had one of them! it's lasted over a week and was really nasty :( all of my friends seems to have some kind of cold too.

My BG has been high the whole time and it can be normal at night time and even in the early morning, but when I get up it's crept up to about 16 somehow :(