Although I am T3c, my pancreatic damage was due to having a total pancreatectomy almost 5 years ago. So I got the express train here and know very little about the more gradual and slower route from pancreatitis. So I'm tagging
@cupcakequeen71 - some of many more who have been through your experience.
Because you only have a basal insulin of Levermir it's always going to be difficult to keep your BG down in the more reasonable zone of >5 and ideally <10, but for now even <12. Exercise and activity can be a great help, but that activity is much better for you if kept aerobic and not intense anaerobic exercise. High intensity exercise can cause your liver to release internally stored glucose, worsening your pre-existing inability to manage high BG. Running is possibly not helping where brisk walking might be better. This ultimately will depend on how fit you have kept yourself in the last 2 decades and thus how "sharp" or good your muscle memory is. If running at a steady rate is easy for you, then fine; if it makes the exercising hard and intensive, slow down.
I think if I was faced with your problem I would probably consider increasing my basal insulin further, say from 8 to 9 (2x daily); monitor carefully staying alert to your BG taking you too low. But with your current levels so high the hypo risks seem low; I wouldn't consider this if I were not already so high.
I haven't noticed if you are checking your ketone levels?
But do consider becoming more robust in pressing for someone to move you up the waiting list. If you know the name of the Specialist you are going to see, research their name to get their Secretary's phone number or email address and phone or write explaining you are in deep trouble and feel badly overlooked. I'm afraid sometimes one has to be robust and pushy to get noticed and helped.
The problem with T3c is that many Health Care Professionals (HCPs) really don't know what this is, never mind how serious it can be and how important it is to get the right treatment. I note you've already had one close call in Jan '24. Mention that in any phone call or email, along with your significant weight loss in the last 12 months. I think it's time to rattle some cages!
Good luck.