High blood sugars overnight and weight loss following ketoacidosis. Type 1 diabetic

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New Member
Does anyone out there with Type 1 consistently have high blood sugars overnight and weight loss? My husband had ketoacidosis 2.5 years ago and in the last 6 or so months has had high blood sugars in the morning on waking and also weight loss. He is under a lot of pressure which doesn't help.
Does anyone out there with Type 1 consistently have high blood sugars overnight and weight loss?
No. If I did, that would indicate (most likely) not enough insulin, so I'd either just increase it myself or consult with the hospital team for advice. (They'd doubtless wonder why I didn't just increase it myself but I'm sure they'd be polite and offer advice anyway.)
Welcome to the forum, perhaps if you give a little more information about how your husband manages his diabetes which I assume is Type 1, what insulin regime is he on and have there been any recent changes in lifestyle or illness that could mean something needs adjusting.
Hopefully some of the Type 1 folk will be along soon but any additional info will help.
As others have said, consistently high glucose levels can lead to weight loss. If this is happening overnight he is likely to need to change his background/basal insulin.
Does he make his own adjustments? If not he needs to talk to his team.
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