High blood sugar


Relationship to Diabetes
all my son is newly diagnosed and in hospital at the moment. His blood sugar levels did go down but have now shot up again despite the insulin. Is this unusual and something to worry about? His ketone level is fine. But every time his level goes down it comes back up. Does anyone know anything about this??
Hi @MobyAlbin, welcome to the forum. How is your son doing since you posted? There's a lot of yo-yo-ing in the early days after diagnosis, especially as the pancreas may still be working to some extent, and with getting to grips with insulin dosages. How old is your son?
Hi @MobyAlbin, welcome to the forum. How is your son doing since you posted? There's a lot of yo-yo-ing in the early days after diagnosis, especially as the pancreas may still be working to some extent, and with getting to grips with insulin dosages. How old is your son?
He’s 5. We’re out of hospital now and the levels are evening out. We’re getting to grips with the different pens and the doses he needs. Looking forward to getting a pump which will make life easier. We’re keen to meet other families affected by diabetes
Did you get a chance to contact Diabetes U.K. about the Family Events as linked to in your other thread @MobyAlbin ?

I’m pleased your son’s blood sugars are better now. How are you finding the carb counting?
It really takes time to adjust, as individuals, but also as a family. There are plenty of other parents on here, within the community and potentially local groups to where you live. @Inka, has mentioned Diabetes UK Family Events, but I don't think we have any more planned at the moment.
Did you get a chance to contact Diabetes U.K. about the Family Events as linked to in your other thread @MobyAlbin ?

I’m pleased your son’s blood sugars are better now. How are you finding the carb counting?
Yes we’re getting the hang of carb counting too. I’ve found the only time his levels go up a lot is when he fights with his brother and gets stressed
You could also speak to your son’s clinic @MobyAlbin Sometimes they know of others with Type 1 that are happy to be contacted, either once or twice or to touch base with over a few months.