high blood sugar

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
had a christmas binge and 12.1 blood sugar went to 4.7 in a hour is that alright?
had a christmas binge and 12.1 blood sugar went to 4.7 in a hour is that alright?
That is a pretty rapid drop in a short time and would make some people feel a bit wobbly, I would possibly suspect your 12mmol/l was not quite right, you may have had something on your fingers.
At what point did you test and get 12 anyway, also depends on what you had eaten or had to drink.
Really impossible to say if it is 'alright' or not.
last night ichecked sround vmidnight i ate chocolate lots of chocolate been eating it for days and left over christmas dinner throughout the day so it was no surprise. getting back to 4.7 really was good.
Are you on any medication?
I don’t very often go into the 12’s but if I ever do my drop is much quicker and lower than if I was at say 7-8
scary 12 isnt it. i get that when say eating chocolate. lasts for 20 mins at 12.1 then goes back down luckily to say 6 or maybe 5.7 which i think is really good having a 5.7 and it eases your mind a bit. i am worried what high blood sugar means and why you cannot just ride it out for a short while without worry.
Hi , well from tomorrow back on the straight and narrow after a good Christmas and New year celebrations.

My blood sugar levels are slightly evelated ( I thought the levels would be higher ) but are coming down to a satisfactory levels.

I am a Fitbit junkie and record all my levels etc but now also record accurately my BS levels.
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