high blood pressure

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
something that frightened me a bit on wednesday was getting my blood pressure results from them. It was 158/90 something which was apparently rather high...

any ideas over why this could be? Obviously I was incredibly nervous and stressed out with the appointment but internet search is telling me that this BP is like...hypertension.

This isn't good right? It's like...really really bad?

I'm a little worried and not entirely sure what i should do about it.

It could have been a case of white coat syndrome - I mean, I'm 21...and this is an oddly high BP reading, so surely at this age I shouldn't be having high BP? It's not like I ever feel ill or anything.

Help? I'm a bit worried.
sounds like stress to me hun but get it checked to make sure it levels out 🙂
Honestly I would think that this is white coat syndome. Think of it like a BG reading - there could be LOADS of reasons why it's up. It's just one reading at one point of time. I generally have really good BP so if I get a high one at the GP, they will re do it a few minutes later and it's usually fine by then.

If you're worried, get your hands on a home-testing kit. Then you can check it daily and see if there's anything going on 🙂
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My readings were always higher when the GP took them, Get a meter I think it's Lloyds the chemist advertising one thats pretty cheap, got mine on-line from boots. If you do get one get one that uses an arm cuff, the wrist ones can be rubbish.
My readings were always higher when the GP took them, Get a meter I think it's Lloyds the chemist advertising one thats pretty cheap, got mine on-line from boots. If you do get one get one that uses an arm cuff, the wrist ones can be rubbish.

I've got a wrist one and yes, they are rubbish. Sam, your BP is the same as mine was, so you are right it is high. But it's only really a problem if it is constantly high - if they didn't make a big fuss about it I wouldn't worry. I know how stressed out and nervous you were about that appointment. It wasn't a routine appt by any stretch, so I'm sure that stress and WC syndrome played a big part.
FYI Lloyds on line arm ones are half price at ?14.99 with different sizes all depending on the size of your ... arm.
FYI Lloyds on line arm ones are half price at ?14.99 with different sizes all depending on the size of your ... arm.

Thanks for that Vic, might invest in one and chuck the rubbish wrist one! They used to be ?80-90!
I've got a wrist one and yes, they are rubbish. Sam, your BP is the same as mine was, so you are right it is high. But it's only really a problem if it is constantly high - if they didn't make a big fuss about it I wouldn't worry. I know how stressed out and nervous you were about that appointment. It wasn't a routine appt by any stretch, so I'm sure that stress and WC syndrome played a big part.

I'm not sure what it is normally :confused: apparently the last one at normal clinic was pretty high too - a 140/something which is pre-tension ish? I dunno. I think I'm gunna try and get one of those diy kits, as I am pretty worried.

Nice consultant lady said "they would keep an eye on it", but she admitted that I was coming across as very very nervous so next time they would do it once I've calmed down a bit.

I generally think its WC syndrome as every time I have to have it done its bordering on high. Matt's the same :/ Doesn't help with all the stresses at the moment either!
Sometimes they can give you a 24 hour one that you wear when you're doing normal stuff (bit like a CGM!) - gives a truer picture. I expect mine to be high at the docs - so it is!
Taken from : http://www.patient.co.uk/health/High-Blood-Pressure-(Hypertension).htm

Blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or above but below 160/100 mmHg

This is sometimes called 'mild' high blood pressure. Ideally, it should be lower than this but for many people the risk from mild high blood pressure is small, and drug treatment is not indicated. However, certain groups of people with blood pressure in this range are advised medication to lower it. These are people with:

* a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (see below), or
* an existing cardiovascular disease (see below), or
* diabetes, or
* damage to the heart or kidney (organ damage) due to high blood pressure.

Keep an eye on it will mean checking your pressure each time you meet.
My doctor recommends that it should be 130/80 or below for diabetics, otherwise medication is called for.
My doctor recommends that it should be 130/80 or below for diabetics, otherwise medication is called for.

Ha, some of us are at that level ON medication! Carvedilol and Irbesartan!
😱 matt and i went to boots and had a look at their monitors - ?30-?100, I can't afford that :( In fact, I can't afford one for a while til a few payments come in from the new job :( I was gonna go use the machine in ASDA but a bit worried at how accurate that would be!

Anyone else got any ideas? I don't really want to find myself on any more meds for anything :(
😱 matt and i went to boots and had a look at their monitors - ?30-?100, I can't afford that :( In fact, I can't afford one for a while til a few payments come in from the new job :( I was gonna go use the machine in ASDA but a bit worried at how accurate that would be!

Anyone else got any ideas? I don't really want to find myself on any more meds for anything :(

Ask about the 24hr one from the dr. Dave had it once - it's not exactly comfy, you get strapped up to a machine that goes in your pocket, and it inflates every 30 mins or so, but obv gives a much bigger picture.
Ask about the 24hr one from the dr. Dave had it once - it's not exactly comfy, you get strapped up to a machine that goes in your pocket, and it inflates every 30 mins or so, but obv gives a much bigger picture.

next time i'm at the docs will probably be er...the day where I have to go and get him to change everything over for ole Griever. And argue with him about test strips...LOL! I might ask him then - that's gonna end up being an entire day off work, I can just see it...I hope they don't mind :/
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