High blood glucose months after Covid?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I had Covid over Xmas and I’m Type 2 and I am still having really high glucose readings. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this and if anyone knows how long this lasts?
Thanks in advance!
Hi. Sorry to hear you are battling high BG levels so long after Covid. Hope you have fully recovered otherwise.

What sort of levels are we talking about?
And what if any medication do you use to manage your diabetes? If no medication, then what sort of things do you eat? ie. A typical day's breakfast, lunch and evening meal?

I just looked through your previous posts and you don't seem to have done an intro post.... it's not obligatory so don't worry about it. It can be helpful though so we can look back at it and see things like how long you have been diagnosed and how that came about and medication and HbA1c results etc.
The reason that may be relevant to this enquiry is that some people are misdiagnosed as Type 2 when they are actually a late onset Type 1 and Type 1 is autoimmune, so if your immune system has been riled up by the Covid virus, it may have gone on the rampage and killed off a few more of your remaining beta cells which produce insulin, meaning that your BG levels might not come down again without insulin. Raised BG levels in a genuine Type 2 diabetic should come back down once the body is no longer under stress and fighting the infection/virus, unless you have needed medication like steroids for other conditions perhaps aggravated by the virus.... things like asthma and COPD for instance.
So if you can give us a bit more history about your diabetes and any other conditions and medication, we might have an idea of what might be going on in your case?
Hi. Sorry to hear you are battling high BG levels so long after Covid. Hope you have fully recovered otherwise.

What sort of levels are we talking about?
And what if any medication do you use to manage your diabetes? If no medication, then what sort of things do you eat? ie. A typical day's breakfast, lunch and evening meal?

I just looked through your previous posts and you don't seem to have done an intro post.... it's not obligatory so don't worry about it. It can be helpful though so we can look back at it and see things like how long you have been diagnosed and how that came about and medication and HbA1c results etc.
The reason that may be relevant to this enquiry is that some people are misdiagnosed as Type 2 when they are actually a late onset Type 1 and Type 1 is autoimmune, so if your immune system has been riled up by the Covid virus, it may have gone on the rampage and killed off a few more of your remaining beta cells which produce insulin, meaning that your BG levels might not come down again without insulin. Raised BG levels in a genuine Type 2 diabetic should come back down once the body is no longer under stress and fighting the infection/virus, unless you have needed medication like steroids for other conditions perhaps aggravated by the virus.... things like asthma and COPD for instance.
So if you can give us a bit more history about your diabetes and any other conditions and medication, we might have an idea of what might be going on in your case?
Thank you so much for your kind reply. I will do as you say and tomorrow will write an intro. Sorry, I didn’t know I was supposed to do that but yes it will probably really help knowing my background. Many thanks!
An intro is definitely not mandatory. Many members don't write them. And many of us do not want to share so much with complete strangers. A forum can be intimidating when you start, especially when hit with aa barrage of questions.
Share what you want. Answer what you feel comfortable with and don't feel obliged to share all your personal health details in public
I do not refer to intro posts when answering a question from a member I am less familiar with. In "real life" you don't remember all conversations you had with someone. You have a conversation with them and may ask something you were told weeks before (or never told).
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As above, how high is high & measured by what? I see you've reported issues with Libre elsewhere so are these highs being confirmed with finger pricks?

Anything else out of the ordinary?
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