High BG out of the blue!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The past few days my BG after lunch has been 6.9, 5.5, 9.3, 9.5 and 8.7.

Today? 14.7. 😡


Any ideas?
Have you tried washing your hands and retesting, or perhaps using a different meter? If I get an unexplained and unlikely reading I always have anothre stab at it (so to speak!) 🙂
Sadly it wasn't the meter or anything on my hands. The 14.7 was an hour ago, I took a correction and just tested again - 12.5. Another correction.

I also have the mother of all headaches.

When I got up at 8am my BG was 4.0 but I was feeling okay so just had brekkie and let the pump correct (i.e. give me less insulin for the carbs).

Maybe it's a delayed liver dump? Is that possible, 5 hours later?

Feeling pretty poo, anyway. And I was having such a good week!
Or stress / dreading return to work? (Just replied to your new "Off the subject" thread)
Could be stress combined with a liver dump. Fun...not. Hope you feel better soon!

I suspect you're right, shiv. I'm a stressy person so that is likely. Very angry at my damn liver, though! Why must he get involved?!

Just checked again and still 12.2. Grr.
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