High BG levels

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Be gentle, my first post in here 🙂

Been T2D for 8 years and mainly controlled by diet and low carb, it was my 40th Birthday present from my body !!
18 months ago had a BG spike and it wouldn’t really come down so got moved onto 1000mg Metformin SR.

Now the BG levels are spiking again and not behaving.
Eating a low carb and even a fasting diet and I still watch my numbers spike to 12 in morning without doing anything. Then it can stay above 10 until evening, and then overnight usually drops to 6, but never any lower.
I’ve had the “dawn“ issue for a while and it used to go up to 10ish, but now consistently it is above 10.

I know the GPS and Diabetic teams are over stretched, so I shouldn’t be surprised that I can’t get an appointment or get any replies to e-consults. I had my bloods taken 2 months ago, and I’m still hoping to get a review appointment maybe in Feb.

Does anyone know of private Diabetic teams or GPS that would be able to help work out what is going on?
Welcome to the forum, everybody is very friendly here and always willing to help with suggestions.
As you obviously have a blood glucose monitor it might be worth your while doing some strategic testing of your meals to see if you are tolerating those foods. Test before you eat and after 2 hours and note if the increase is less than 2-3mmol/l or less than 8-8.5mmol/l if it is then OK but if not then you may need to look at portion size of any high carb foods.
When you say you are following low carb, how much total carb per day are you having?
Fasting can sometimes push numbers up as your liver tries to be helpful in releasing glucose, but still may be beneficial in the longer term rather than an individual reading.
What was your last HbA1C and have you changed what you are doing since, sometimes it is easy for things to slowly drift.
Have a look at this link, it may help with some new ideas. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
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