High BG after Roast Dinners

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
This is my first day on the forum, I have a had a pump for almost a year and find that whenever I have a roast dinner with loads of veggies my BG goes high, I tried doing dual/ square wave but this didn't help and I always over count my carbs if I have 80 I give a dose for 120 but it still doesn't help does anyone else have this problem?! I also count for parsnips which I have been told I don't need to count for. My doctor has checked the carb counting for me and can't seem to work out why my BG goes so high :confused: It sometimes goes as high as 23 :(
Welcome to the forums shellm46 🙂

Parsnips certainly do have carbs in them - I can tolerate more roast potatoes then I can roast parsnips!

I'mm sure one of the type 1's on insulin will be along soon to give you better advice!
Hi all,
This is my first day on the forum, I have a had a pump for almost a year and find that whenever I have a roast dinner with loads of veggies my BG goes high, I tried doing dual/ square wave but this didn't help and I always over count my carbs if I have 80 I give a dose for 120 but it still doesn't help does anyone else have this problem?! I also count for parsnips which I have been told I don't need to count for. My doctor has checked the carb counting for me and can't seem to work out why my BG goes so high :confused: It sometimes goes as high as 23 :(

High fat content causing a delay maybe? I've not had aproblem with a full monty cooked breakfast or roast, I just multi wave bolus.....welcome to the forum by the way! 🙂 strange that you go as high as 23 following a roast :confused:
Is the highs 1-2 hours after, or when your insulin has finished.............?

It will be a dose issue or timing........

And Welcome...........
Hi Shell,
welcome to the forum 🙂
Can you help us to help you by providing some more info?
Before meal blood sugar and when the rise starts. What the roast dinner consists of and how many carbs.
Ta very much
Hi & welcome Shell

As others have mentioned, full answer is going to depend on (a) when you reach those high levels and (b) fat content as well as carbohydrate in roast root veggies eg potatoes, parsnips, carrots, beetroot, onions etc - fat delays carbohydrate getting into body.
Hi Shell. Welcome 🙂

Pretty much what the others have said. Some veg has more carb than others. And quantities can add up. But does seem a bit high.🙂

Hi Shell,
Welcome🙂 I'm new here too.

Not sure if I've ever seen a parsnip (not from UK, but no excuse). Nonetheless, I suspect the parsnips based on glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL). I think they need to be factored and could bring a fairly hefty punch fast.

Another factor to consider is how quickly the carbs were consumed. From what I've learned, the slower I eat, the better off I am. For example: I try to draw out 35 g (carb) toasted muffin & cream cheese breakfast to 15-20 min. Likewise for 60-80g lunch pasta bowls 45-60 minutes where possible.
Eeek parsnips LOL (in terms of carb I mean, I actually love them so save em to have as a treat)

And did you realise that a roast spud has more carbs anyway than eg boiled?

You know that brown finish on anything roasted or toasted? - it's caramel! (the natural sugars in veg/bread/whatever you're cooking)

Then if/when you make proper gravy incorporating all the burnt on bits in the roasting tin, yummy scrummy - MORE carbs!

I know some education for diabetics tells em not to count any veg but it really is essential to do so, for the simple reason that they do mount up. You will get away with not counting green leafy, but never with root veg or legumes. Not as a T1.
If you have stuffing or yorkshire pudding they will be adding to the carbs too.
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