high bg’s

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi this is maybe a weird question to ask, but i’ve had blood sugars in the 30’s (almost 600 mg/dl) for hours now and i have some ketones. highest they’ve been today is 2.3 on a blood ketone meter. my question is, how likely is it to go into a diabetic coma? i’m getting worried about it cause nothing i do seems to bring them down and i feel like the hospital wouldn’t be able to do anything cause my ketones aren’t “that high”. literally tried everything. changing infusion set, having corrections thru pump and pen/shot. drinking water and lots of it. but it won’t budge from the the 30’s. goes down slightly but then goes back up again. any advice on what to do with that as well as the diabetic coma thing? lol. any help/ advice is appreciated <3
Have you tried using fresh insulin? Go to a&e or ring 111 if you’re concerned.
Being on a pump puts you at higher risk of DKA @matthewthomas (because you have no long-acting basal insulin onboard) With blood sugars in the 30s that won’t stay down, you need medical input. Please phone 111 or get a family member to do so now. In fact, I would also consider A&E as blood sugar that high isn’t good.

Please don’t worry about ‘bothering people’. You need support and it’s best to get that as soon as possible.
How are things this morning @matthewthomas ?
awhhh i find it so sweet how your checking in my bg’s are still in the 30’s and ketones are in the 4’s. my mom is talking to my dsn and she just tells us to do what i’ve been doing all night and give it thru the pen. i did start a temp basal to give double but my sensor still reads above and it won’t seem to move down. it won’t even go into the teens, it stays in the 30’s and occasionally coming down into the 20’s but then goes up again. i honestly don’t know what to do about it, i’ve never had this before. i feel fine in myself and that’s the only thing stopping me from going to a&e. i thought high bg’s and ketones make you unwell but i feel absolutely fine lol. but you really made my day. thank you so much for asking
You’re welcome @matthewthomas I’m glad you’re ok, and I sympathise with the continuing high sugars. It’s always worrying when someone has high blood sugar.

I’ve had Type 1 years but I still worry about DKA when I get ill or have high sugars. I think most people do feel ill but by that stage that’s because things are pretty serious. In the early stages, somebody might feel ok. I remember when I was first diagnosed, the emergency doctor called an ambulance and I was surprised because I didn’t feel ill, just a bit rough. However, he said I was on the verge of DKA. So - don’t necessarily rely on how you’re feeling.

Once I had similar problems and it was absorption issues. The body area I used for my pump literally stopped working/absorbing the insulin almost overnight. I solved that by switching to a new body area. Because my basal from the pump hadn’t been being absorbed, it was a real fight to get my blood sugars down. Changing cannula body area sites (I changed from my stomach to my thigh) helped enormously, and everything went back to normal. Another time, I had a similar problem and that time I actually took my pump off completely and used injections, including a basal insulin and the usual bolus (fast) insulin. Again, that got things under control. I think the injected basal helped stabilise things.

I’m pleased you’re in contact with your DSN. I really hope your blood sugars get back down to normal. It’s a real pain when something like this happens. Fingers crossed, you’ll be back to normal soon.
Matthew - are you 100% certain your meter is OK and so giving you the correct readings? Any chance you could get to a pharmacy - eg Boots or Lloyds - who offer BG checks, to check it for you independent of your own equipment?

The other possibility is that you actually have something else wrong with you - like you've caught something viral, not necessarily Covid, but could be ........
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