High and lows

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
To explain...
Had my first 3 month Hba1c test last week, when I found out I had Type 2 the test showed I was at 75 straight away cut out potatoes/rice/bread/pasta etc. Still having an occasional treat.
Got my results back yesterday and it had gone down to 42.... I had no idea what to expect with it being my first one, but very pleased with it.

So... that was my high...

last night found out a close forum friend had died...brought me right back down to earth. We hadnt met, but she was such a lovely lady. Always knew the right thing to say.... and just so nice. She hadnt had the best of health, but always seemed to bounce back. Was looking forward to her Golden Wedding Anniversary on Friday with a party planned for her friends and family. Just all so sad.

Sorry ... just had to talk
Sorry about your friend @DaisyDoodles, but very well done on the splendid hba1c result. As you say, life is full of highs and lows. As I get fitter, my friends seem to get worse. None of them has diabetes, but I have one friend with Parkinsons, one with MS and one with what looks like now to be terminal cancer. All we can do is plough on trying to keep ourselves healthy and deal with the lows and losses as they come.
Keep up the good work with your hba1c xx
Good morning @DaisyDoodles Many congratulations on your wonderful Hba1c well done 🙂
Sorry to read of your sad news x
Hi there @DaisyDoodles - well done on your latest A1c! Good for you!!
So sorry to hear about your friend tho.
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