High already :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Spent the majority of the weekend in the mid teens and despite giving myself enough insulin for a baby elephant it didn't budge them until my evening meal when I went down to 10.3. Woke up at midnight having a hypo so had some jelly babies and now I'm at 17.2!!! Not even had my breakfast yet =/
Feel so tired and I haven't even started work yet. Just hope I'm not coming down with the dreaded lurgy...

Rant over, sorry guys!

For many when the numbers run high it is a sure sign you are comming down with something.

Keep an eye on things and make sure you have plenty to drink, water helps. I hope you feel better soon and this is just a blip.
I've had the same problem yet felt fine all of last week. I put it down to having caught something from work. Funnily enough the BG's cleared up all yesterday evening and through into this morning.
It has been going around at work and my sister caught a bug but I've felt okay and my numbers have been reasonably good until saturday. I hope it's not the lurgy as last time I was off work for nearly 2 weeks! :(

It has been going around at work and my sister caught a bug but I've felt okay and my numbers have been reasonably good until saturday. I hope it's not the lurgy as last time I was off work for nearly 2 weeks! :(


I hope you're feeling better, but sometimes you need a little time off owrk to get over things. It may only last a few days and you'll be ok.
Thanks Caroline my readings are now more normal, 6.8 before lunch and 5.8 now :S
Very confused now, lurgy has almost vanished!

Now I have lurgy symptoms again!!! :(


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