

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there thank you for having me on your forum I was wondering if anyone is having ozempic by injection and if the have any side effects thank you for your help
Welcome to the forum @Pops27465
I can’t help with that one and I have never heard of it.
Is it related to your Diabetes or another condition.
Hello @Pops27465 welcome to the forum. Sorry I can’t help much.
I think it is also called Semaglutide, I believe it’s it’s weekly non insulin injection but that is all I know about it.

Have you already started on it or are yo researching it prior to starting it
Hi . I have just tread your other post on the newbies forum and see that you are having having headaches since starting on it. If you check out the patient info leaflet either in the pack or online , it should give you a list of known side effects and how to report any that are not mentioned.

How bad are your headaches,
It would also be best to inform the prescriber
Ljc I'm already on it having side effects which are getting me down! Feeling lethargic, nausea a lot of headaches just Trying to find out if this is the norm!
Ljc I'm already on it having side effects which are getting me down! Feeling lethargic, nausea a lot of headaches just Trying to find out if this is the norm!
That sound horrible. How long have you been on this med, if you have been on it a while then I suggest you speak to the person who prescribed it ASAP as it’s more than likely their is another med that will suit you better.

Sometimes side effects ease over time but not always.
I've been on ozempic since June. Started my 1mg maintenance dose today.
I had horrific side effects for the whole week after my first dose but I've had none since. I injected my 9th dose today and think I've just been really lucky. I had continuous side effects with Victoza so this is a nice change.
I do find I have to eat something when I inject though or I do get the nausea but it's manageable and nothing like the first week I experienced!
Fingers crossed for you that the side effects disappear :)