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New Member
Hi everyone,

I recently met someone who has diabetes type 2, I don't really know much about diabetes and wanted to understand it better.

I was wondering why someone with diabetes may not comply with their prescribed treatment?

thank you.
Hi everyone,

I recently met someone who has diabetes type 2, I don't really know much about diabetes and wanted to understand it better.

I was wondering why someone with diabetes may not comply with their prescribed treatment?

thank you.

could be many things, maybe not being able to understand it, rebellion, frustration. I guess it comes down to the inidividual and how the feel about themselves and the situation, much like diabullimics who dont take insulin in an effort to loose weight. Its sad :(
Hi everyone,

I recently met someone who has diabetes type 2, I don't really know much about diabetes and wanted to understand it better.

I was wondering why someone with diabetes may not comply with their prescribed treatment?

thank you.

Hi Yvonne, welcome to the forum🙂

It's good that you want to learn more about diabetes and how it can affect people. In what way does the person not comply? Sometimes people who do not have diabetes might misinterpret what someone with diabetes does, for example many diabetics get told off for eating certain things etc. If you could give us an idea of the sort of things you mean then we can probably help you more.🙂
They may be in denial, trying to pretend it's not happening. Or perhaps thinking they can manage the condition without all the meds.
Thank you for your reply. What would be the consequences of not taking it?
How hard is it to control- like meal times/social situations?
hi, what is the medicine that your friend isn't taking? and are they doing anything else to help themselves? eg. diet and exercise?
Yvonne, from the vast experience of one month as a type 2 diabetic, I can say every one of us is different. What works for one may not work for another. However, diet and exercise do play a huge part in controlling the disease, it's a case of figuring out what works best for each individual.
hi yvonne and welcome as already been said it could be deniel they could be in the way of thinking i dont want this diabetes so why should i take the treatment , they maybe be scared to start taking it cause then they will have to face up to the fact there diabetic.
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Still not quite sure what Yvonne's acquaintence is doing to give her the impression that s/he's not complying with treatment? Just because someone doesn't take tablets or insulin or blood test in public doesn't necessarily mean that they're not doing so in private. With food, for example, the occasional piece of cake or meal out isn't a problem - may be a chance for a bit of relief to celebrate an event with friends / family once in a while. Might be worth a direct question / enquiry to the person with type 2 diabetes - most people with diabetes would rather be asked what they'd like to eat / drink than have others assume what they can / can't eat / drink, not least because everyone is different, both in physiology (how body works), psychology (how mind thinks), personal philosophy / religion (eg recent sidetrack on thread about ketone meters to utilitarianism!)
Hi Yvonne and welcome to the forum. It is good you want to find out more to help your friend.

It is possible she is embaressed about the whole thing and wants to be discreet? If she is a good friend, she wont mind you asking questions. It is better to ask her how she is feeling and what she would like you to do in order to help her.

Often just by being there and showing support it can be a big help. Personally (it works for me but may not for others) I'd rather people asked me what I'd like than tell me what I can or can't have. I prefer it if people say to me would you like some water to take your tablets with than you have to take your tablets now.

There are lots of things that can be done to help, but as we are all individuals it is better to ask. It takes many people a while to get used to having this condition they have to control because it wont go away.
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